
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Plea From Overseas Troops to Girls Back Home

From The Caduceus, Camp Greene, Charlotte, N.C., Jan. 18, 1919

Editorial From “Over There” on “The Girls Back Home”

“Give us a square deal” begs an editorial in one of our comrade medical magazines, The Caduceus, now being put out by the Vichy hospital center at Allier, France. The solder editor sets out that the sweetheart problem of the army is at least a two-sided affair and that fidelity is not limited to “The Girls Back Home.” His editorial follows:

“The Girls Back Home”

We’re tired of picking up the American dailies with their squib about Yanks falling in love with the French mademoiselles. It’s all a great big bug-a-boo and shouldn’t be flashed before those whole-souled young women who are counting the days until taps are blown for the Job on Germany. The records tell of very few of the boys requesting official sanction for marriage in France. It’s about time they were placed in the right light with the girls back home.

The American dailies are continually harping on the duty of the “girl” back home. They never print the stories of the sweethearts who have become the wives of the stay-at-homes. They never tell us of the girls—and there are many of them who forgot their soldier lovers before the transport reached the danger zone. The bud of romance is being blighted on the other side, not here.

There’s hardly a day that we don’t get the truth of the matter. The fellow will tell how Paulette or Doris or Ruth was led to the altar.

“Remember him, the fellow who claimed exemption because he worked in a munition factory?” he’ll ask. Yes! I guess he fell in right at the station I got off.”

But then we can’t forget the real sweethearts who will be waiting with open arms. They’ll never know how much their letters counted over here. Only the boys themselves know and they’re sympathizing with their pals who don’t. It must be a grand and glorious feeling to know you’ve got a REAL sweetheart back home.

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