
Monday, January 21, 2019

Private Fred Winkler Went Over the Top Seven Times; Injured Sept. 29, 1918

From The Hickory Daily Record, Jan. 20, 1919

Boone Youth Went Over Seven Times

Private Fred Winkler, Co. M, 120th infantry, 30th division, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon en route to Boone to visit his mother, Mrs. Ella Winkler, after an experience in France that took him seven times over the top and left him wounded three times. He arrived in New York on December 21 on the steamer Baltic, was sent to Camp Greene and came in yesterday afternoon and spent the night with his uncle, Mr. D.G. Taylor, leaving today for home.

Private Winkler was wounded on September 29, the very day the 30th division cracked the Hindenburg line. As fierce as that battle was, the young man is of the opinion that the capture of Kemmel Hill in Belgium earlier in the campaign was the toughest job.

In the battle for the Hindenburg line he received a wound in the left leg and two machine gun bullets through the stomach—one on each side. One of the bullets is still in him, according to the X-ray picture.

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