
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Pvt. Harvey Avery Writes to His Sister, Claudia, Jan. 23, 1919

From the Dunn Dispatch, Jan. 23, 1919

Somewhere in France

Letter from Private Harvey Avery with the American E.F. to his sister, Claudia Avery of near Dunn.

Nov. 14, 1918
Dear Sister:

Just dropping you a few lines to let you know I am all right. I am just coming out of a hard battle. It was the worst battle I was ever in. We were in it for 72 hours. The Germans shot gas shells and shrapnel shells all over us. Our Captain and several other men were killed and a number were wounded. We fought in mud and water up to our knees. We captured quite a few Germans and were relieved one day before the Armistice was signed.

Well, sister, how is everything at home? I hope all is well. Sister, it won’t be long before I will be home with you all. I suppose you all are pretty busy now days about the holidays. How is everything on the farm getting along? Tell uncle Bryant Allen Morgan that I have enough experience of war, that I have heard him talk of so many times.

Well, sister, as I have not much more to say I will close hoping to hear from you soon. Good bye. I remain as ever,

Your loving brother,

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