
Thursday, January 3, 2019

Pvt. John Florence of Graham, N.C., Was at Front When War Ceased, 1919

From The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., January 2, 1919

Pvt. John Florence of Graham Writes Home

Dear Mother:

I will try to answer your nice and much appreciated letter that I read Sunday. I am real glad to hear from you at any time and to know that you are getting along well.

You may know how I am feeling by now. I am feeling just fine and as good as anyone could wish to feel. You may know that we have something to feel better over.

I expect that you all have got the good news by this time. I did not know anything about it until the guns ceased firing. That was on Monday the 11th day. You don’t know how we felt when they ceased and they have not shot any since.

I was on guard last night and it sure was lonesome, for I could not hear any guns shooting. You may know there were some happy boys in France that evening. I was studying so much about coming home Monday night I could not go to sleep.  I went to bed, but I just felt so good I could not sleep, so I got up and smoked my pipe. I just tried the best I knew how to praise the good Lord for what he has done and I only trust that He will hear my weak prayer and will bring me back to you all even a cleaner boy than I was when I left. I put all my trust in Him that is able to do all things. I hope it won’t be long till I can be getting ready to come back to our loved ones and friends and that is going to be a happy day with me.

You said in your letter that you had a service flag for me. I certainly can appreciate it and I thank you for your remembrance of me.

I feel like you folks back there have been a wonderful help to me and I want to thank you all for it. I cannot tell you all how much I appreciate it in my letter so I will just wait until I get home.

Had a nice letter from Mabel Sunday and several more which I have not had time to answer.

I could write you a real long letter, but as time and space prevents, I guess I will soon come to a close. Tell Aubrey that I want him to be a good boy and study his books to learn all he can, for I want him to be a real little man when I come home.

Answer soon with a long letter. Love to you all and best wishes to everyone.

May God be with us all until we meet again.

Your devoted son,
Pvt. John P. Florence
Btry. F. 113 F.A., A.E.F.

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