
Friday, January 4, 2019

Pvt. John H. Townsend, Camp Greene, Dies of Flu, 1919

From The Caduceus, news of the Base Hospital at Camp Greene, Charlotte, N.C., Jan. 4, 1919.

Taps Sounded. . . Pvt. First Class Townsend Answers Last Call

Death has sounded taps for Private 1st Class John H. Townsend, a member of the enlisted personnel of the base hospital, who succumbed to an attack of pneumonia on Thursday evening.

Pvt. Townsend was stricken but a few days ago and was one of the onlookers at the New Year’s Eve dance at the hospital. His condition became rapidly worse and he died at 8 o’clock Thursday evening.

Pvt. Townsend was born at Plymouth, Vt. 29 years ago, moving in his youth to Ludlow, in the same state, where he followed the peaceful life of a farmer until called into the service in November, 1917. He was transferred to Camp Greene in December of the same year and served as a cook at the detachment mess until the final attack of sickness.

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