
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Sailors in Port Turn New Year's Celebration into Riot, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, January 1, 1919

Another Riot for Norfolk

By the Associated Press

Norfolk, Jan. 1—One sailor was killed, another dangerously wounded, and several citizens painfully injured in a disturbance that started shortly after midnight following a new year frolic.

While the streets in the business section were filled with crowds celebrating the new year, hundreds of men in uniform held up street cars, hurled missiles at unoffending persons, raided restaurants and looted show windows and pawn shops, from which weapons were obtained. The police opened fire upon a number of men caught in the act of looting a jewelry store window, after which the firing became general.

Only one arrest was made, Charles Haric, a seaman being held on the charge of housebreaking.
Before order was restored the rioters broke open a hardware store and took paint, with which they gave the sidewalks a variegated coloring.

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