
Friday, January 11, 2019

Sgt. Murfee Says Seen Battles of Champagne, Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel, 1919

From The Commonwealth, Scotland Neck, N.C., Jan. 10, 1919

Sergt. Murfee to Homefolks. . . Hikes All Over France

An interesting letter dated Bordeaux, France, December 10, from Sergeant Walter R. Murfee to his homefolks tells of his experiences from the time he was inducted into camp until after the armistice was signed, but he first complains about not receiving any letters from home for five months.
Sergeant Murfee has been thru the battles of the Champagne, Chateau Thierry and St. Mihiel, besides being hiked pretty well all over France.

Writing of the battle in the Champagne region he said the night was dark and cloudy, but after the battle began one could pick up a pin, so glaring did the shells make the scene.

“The Americans were in the second line trenches when the Germans came over the next morning with their big rush. They took the first line and came up second trench but were beaten back by the American soldiers to the advance trench and the half a kilometer behind their own line.”

Then Sergeant Murfee was moved to Chateau Thierry where more fighting took place and later to St. Mihiel where the Americans showered themselves in glory. Throughout it all, Sergeant Murfee was uninjured and says he is in perfect health and can eat more than ever. He like all the rest of the Sammy Boys are anxious to get back to the good old U.S.A.

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