
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

State Death Rate from Flu 6,065 in October, 2,133 in November, 1,600 in December, 1918

From the Hickory Daily Record, Jan. 22, 1919

Influenza on Decrease

That influenza is on the decrease in our state despite the fact that outbreaks continue to occur in different localities, is seen from the recent report of the vital statistics department of the state board of health. According to this report, there were 3,923 deaths less in November than in October, and 533 less deaths in December than in November. In other words, the number of deaths decreased from 6,056 in October to 2,133 in November and to about 1,600 in December. This steady decline is thought to be due partly to the fact that people are becoming more informed as to the ways and means by which the disease is spread, and are perhaps more careful in their practices of personal hygiene which, after all, is a great factor in preventing the disease.

The report issued by the Vital Statistics Department indicates one particular fact in regard to this decrease, namely, crowding. Counties and localities having populations closely settled show a greater number of deaths, while counties having populations sparsely settled show a smaller number of deaths. For instance, only four deaths have been reported from Alleghany county, five from Alexander, six from Camden, nine from Polk, 12 from Clay, 12 from Dare, 13 from Graham, and 17 each from Gates, Jones, and Tyrrell. Counties having the largest number of deaths are those having thickly settled industrial populations and those having military camps.

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