
Saturday, February 23, 2019

Add Registered Poland Chinas to Your Farm, Feb. 26, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, Feb. 22, 1919

Poland China Hogs Arrived Here Today

The carload of Poland China hogs which will be sold at auction at the fair grounds on Wednesday arrived in the city during the night and were taken to the grounds today to be given careful attention pending the great auction next week. They were accompanied by tenders and nothing will be left undone to care for them. All the animals have been treated with serum and they are in robust health.
The sale is under the auspices of the American Poland China Record Association and is approved by the North Carolina Experiment Station. The idea is not to make profit but to place the big hogs in this section. It is interesting to observe that Hickory is one of the three southern points selected for the sale.

In addition to the Poland China sale next Wednesday, there will be a sale of five thoroughbred Jersey cows from the herd of Mr. L.M. Bollinger.

Full details of the Poland China sale will appear in Monday’s Record.

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