
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

American Soldiers Were Fighting Beside the Russians Against the Bolshiviks, Feb. 11, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, Feb. 11, 1919

Bolsheviki Stopped by Allied Forces

By the Associated Press

London, Monday, Feb. 11—The bolsheviki launched an infantry attack Wednesday against the allies in the vicinity of Serdmakrenga, southeast of Archangel, and were repulsed, according to an official statement on activities in northern Russia issued tonight.

In operations Friday in which British, American and Russian troops improved their positions, the Bolshevik suffered heavy losses.


From the Hickory Daily Record, Feb. 11, 1919. Fearing revolution, the United States deported folks with radical ideas. These were not people who were here illegally, just people who had been born outside the United States and who held views that offended most Americans.

Woolly Aliens Carried to Station

By the Associated Press

New York, Feb. 11—Fifty-four radicals—alien-born anarchists, Industrial Workers of the World and others—arrived at Hoboken today on a train from the west en route to the Ellis Island immigration station, where they are to be detained for their deportation. As a group of men were led on a boat from the train bound for the island, three cheers were given for the bolsheviki and three others for the I.W.W.

The first group stepped from the cars and were escorted from the train by police and immigration inspectors. When 53 men and one woman had reached the decks the police ordered the I.W.W.’s to separate from the others. As the boat left the pier the radicals became noisy. “Let us give three cheers for the bolsheviki,” one shouted.

This was done and the red flag and the I.W.W. also were cheered and after this demonstration the prisoners changed in unison, “To hell with America.”

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