
Sunday, February 24, 2019

Community Singing Popular in the Colored Village at Badin, 1919

From The Badin Bulletin, Feb. 1, 1919. News was separated by race. “The Colored Village” news was on page 14.

The Colored Village . . .Community Singing

Our community singing is growing in interest; our welfare worker has spared no pains in making it a success.

We have the co-operation of the entire community. A special program was rendered January 12. “All soldiers were invited. The program consisted of a solo, “Make a Little Heaven in Your Heart” by Mrs. Grace Reed; a quartet by The Badin Elks’ Club; and some very interesting remarks from non-commissioned Officer Hall from Camp Jackson.

A large crowd attended the service, and the singing was thrilling.

We know no failure, since music is the medium thru which comes joy and sorrow.

After the program of the above date, a silver offering was raised for a worthy cause.

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