
Thursday, February 21, 2019

Home Demonstrator Could Help Women Can Food, Make Money at Home, Feb. 21, 1919

From the front page of the Brevard News, Feb. 21, 1919. 

Endorses Plan for Demonstrator

Editor Brevard News
Dear Sir:

I endorse every word of the article in your latest issue of the News. By all means, let us women of Transylvania have a county demonstrator. If men find a farm demonstrator a paying proposition, why not the women? Almost every county in the eastern part of the state has one, and the women and girls of Transylvania are just as smart, just as appreciative, and just as deserving of the best as any.

Think of the saving in money to our county, when our girls, having learned the various commercial packs and the very latest and best methods are able to supply our local merchants with all the canned fruits and vegetables they can sell. Think too, of the added influence and interest of our young women when they can, while living at home, supply themselves with liberal pocket money from this source.

No county that has tried a lady demonstrator has been willing to give her up. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Let us have her for one year’s trial, anyhow. The plan deserves that much, and so do we.

Sincerely yours,
A Transylvania Woman

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