
Friday, February 15, 2019

Local and Personal News From Hickory, Feb. 15, 1919

From The Hickory Daily Record, Feb. 15, 1919

Local and Personal

Lieut. Frank Laurence Cline has sent Mrs. F.P. Johnson a photograph showing the fine faces of a number of the boys in his company. The photo was mailed January 28.

Mr. J.L. Nelson received a wire this morning from his sons, Lieuts. Lee and Andrew Nelson, who had just landed in New York from overseas. A message also came to Mr. John T. Spencer that his son, Lieut. Lee Spencer has arrived in New York. –Lenoir Topic

Mrs. H.C. Corriher of Salisbury arrived in Hickory this morning to spend several days with her mother, Mrs. J.A. Miller, who has been quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.T. Regan.

Mr. W.H. Boyd, who was carried to Statesville yesterday to undergo treatment, was slightly better at a late hour last night, according to a telephone message received by Mrs. Boyd. Mrs. Boyd and two children left today for Statesville to be near him.

Mrs. L.E. Boyd of Asheville left his morning for Statesville to be with her son, Mr. W.H. Boyd, who is critically ill there. Mrs. Boyd was the guest last night of her daughter, Mrs. S.C. Eaton.

Mrs. Robert Hice and children left yesterday for Bluff Springs, Florida, where they will make their home.

Mrs. E.L. Bumgarner of Cherryville arrived in the city today to spend some time as the guest of Mrs. R.M. Bumgarner.

Mrs. W.H. McNairy returned to her home in Lincolnton yesterday after spending several days with her mother, Mrs. J.A. Miller.

Miss Laura Corpening of Lenoir left today for Drexel to visit relatives. Miss Corpening was the guest last night of Mrs. B.F. Seagle.

Mrs. J. Frank Carriker and little daughter, Katherine Mabel, left this morning for Winston-Salem to spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Peterson.

Many Catawba county folks are expected to attend the good roads meeting at Newton Monday morning at 11 o’clock and the various official road bodies in the county also will be present.

Mr. Robert Gwaltney of New York, after spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. W.R. Gwaltney, left yesterday for Norfolk on business. His two children, who have been visiting their grandmother, went to Charlotte today to join their mother, who will visit some time in Wilmington.

Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Woodall have returned from a trip to Cincinnati, Richmond, and other places.

Mrs. Buren S. Neill and little daughter arrived in the city yesterday to spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.M. McComb.

The Sunday school at Grandview school house, which has been closed on account of influenza, will resume work again tomorrow.

Rev. W.R. Bradshaw was called to Reidsville today on account of the death of a child of Mr. and Mrs. S.L. Morrison, but will return to Hickory in time to conduct services at the First Baptist Church tomorrow. Mr. Morrison and Mr. Bradshaw are old friends.

Mrs. Roy Anderson left Tuesday afternoon for Greenville, Texas, where she will spend some time with the parents of Mr. Anderson. Mrs. Anderson has been spending several weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Stamey.

Misses Grace Collins and Sarah Wilson of the faculty of the Maiden graded schools, spent the week-end here with Miss Annie Leigh Hewitt in North Newton.

Mr. Gilmer Warlick, who holds a responsible position at Badin, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Warlick. Karl Warlick, another son, who  has been in the United States army and stationed at Camp Sevier, has secured his discharge and is home again.

Miss Floy Trollinger has returned from the northern markets where she went to select spring and summer millinery for her mother, Mrs. Ida Trollinger, who conducts a millinery store here.

Dr. Glenn Long has returned to Newton to live and has resumed his practice.

Miss Theresa Bristol of Morganton is a Hickory visitor today.

Mr. M.L. Davis of Salisbury is spending the week end in the city.

Miss Josephine Dysart has as her guest Miss Reid of Drexel.

Mr. Martin Carpenter of Maiden is a Hickory visitor today.

Mrs. Frank McComb and little daughter are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D.M. McComb.

Mrs. R.A. Grimes has returned home after spending several days in Lincolnton.

Mrs. S.W. Lawrence and little daughter, Louise, are Lenoir visitors over the week end.

Mrs. George Lyerly returned home yesterday after spending several days in Kentucky.

Miss Daisy K. Pinner of Canton is the guest of Miss Ruby Lea at Lenoir College.

Miss Mayce Blackwelder left his morning for Catawba to spend the week end with relatives.

Mr. Ernest Perkins of Lenoir passed through Hickory today en route to Morganton on business.


A marriage of much interest to their many friends in Hickory and elsewhere was solemnized this afternoon at 1:30 when Miss Sadie Whitener became the bride of Mr. Hilton Bowles. The ceremony was performed by the bride’s pastor, Rev. W.W. Rowe, in the presence of the immediate family of the contracting parties.

Immediately after the ceremony the young couple left for Charlotte to spend several days.

The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Whitener and is very winsome and pretty. She is a talented musician. For the past year she has been teaching school at Houck’s Chapel. Mr. Bowles is a young man of sterling qualities and holds a responsible position with the Carolina and Northwestern railway shops here. The young couple will make Hickory their home, stopping with the bride’s parents at their home on Tenth avenue.

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