
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Local Doings Across Polk County, Feb. 7, 1919

From the Polk County News and Tryon Bee, Friday, February 7, 1919

From Our Friends All Over the County

Some items of general interest gathered by our correspondents from various sections of Polk County.


Mr. T.M. Johnson of Arden visited his family at Columbus Sunday.

Mr. Leroy McFarland spent a few days in Raleigh last week on business.

Miss Gladys Smith, teacher at Melvin Hill school, spent the week-end with her parents.

Miss Lizzie Dedmond is visiting Miss Nell Constance at Sandy Plains this week.

Mrs. N.P. Mills is visiting relatives in Spartanburg this week.

Mrs. E.B. Cloud has returned to her home after spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Walker of Greens Creek.

Miss Margaret Cantrell of Landrum, S.C., entered Stearns High School Tuesday.

Misses Minnie Arledge and Elizabeth Spivey spent the week-end in Hendersonville with the former’s sister, Mrs. J.E. Shipman.

Mrs. Leonard and children, of Tryon, visited her sister, Mrs. W.B. Arledge Sunday.

Mrs. R.G. Hamilton was in town Monday.

Greens Creek

Wilbur Steadman and Wilbur Feagans have just returned from France.

Mrs. Joe Hutcherson Sr. died last Saturday with pneumonia following influenza.

Mr. Wilbur Steadman and Miss Lillie Spakes were married last week.

Mrs. E.B. Cloud, who has been visiting her mother, returned to Columbus Sunday. Mrs. Cloud will join her husband who is now a member of the State Senate at Raleigh this week-end.

Prof. E.W.S. Cobb visited at Greens Creek High School Friday afternoon. Always glad to see the Professor.

Misses Nellie Brian and Milla McKinney spent the week-end at J.W. Walker’s.

Mr. Melvin F. Burgess of Hot Springs, N.C., spent the week-end at T.E. Walkers.


Rev. W.B. Lindsay and Mr. Robert Hunter of Charlotte paid a flying visit to Hillcrest Institute Friday to bring a pump for the well. It was a gift from Mr. Hunter and a pleasant surprise to the Hillcrest faculty.

Misses Julia and Mattie Abrams spent the week-end with their sister, Mrs. Powell.

Miss Pauline Wilkins spent the week-end with Miss Ruth Brian.

Miss Covell Cooley and Myrtle Shields spent the week-end with Miss Louise McDade.

Miss Nellie Brian spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Walker.

Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Bridges, who have been ill with influenza and pneumonia, are convalescent.

James Mathis, who had the misfortune to crush his foot very badly, is improving fast.

Mr. Lum Mathis, who had to leave Hillcrest Institute on account of his brother’s accident, has returned to his studies.

Mrs. R.M. Abrams, who has been in bed for five weeks, is improving.


No, we were not out of the news last week, for we had a good lot of real news, but just as we were in the act of delivering to the postman the flu upset our vehicle, hence no news last week.

Mrs. John Holbert should have been reported as dead last week, and now Mr. John Holbert has had the misfortune to lose his right hand last week while sawing shingles.

Aunt Ruth Patz wandered away last week and when found was in a branch nearly frozen. Had been there several hours but Mrs. N.A. Price and Mrs. Elizabeth Pace nursed her back to normal life, it seems now.

We need a country home for the aged and unfortunate, as some of the best tax payers and grand jurors have at innumerable times recommended.

J.W. Bishop and Posey Henderson were in the Bright’s Creek section one day last week, on business.

We could not attend the mass meeting at Columbus Monday but hope much good will result in the way of uplift to Polk county interests.

Let us boost our paper and more, and help our editors who are laboring so hard to bring the resources of old Polk to light.

Melvin Hill

Mr. W.O. Morris who has been sick of influenza is stopping with his mother here until he can recuperate.

Mr. Tom Waldrop came up from Pomaria, S.C., to visit his family last week-end, returning Monday.

Miss Flora Lawter is dangerously ill of pneumonia.

Mr. Walter Reed came up from Henrietta to visit his parents Sunday.

Mr. James Waldrop has gone to Henrietta where he will be employed for some time.

Mr. Tilden Higgins has just returned from a pig buying expedition but don’t know what luck he had.

Mr. S.S. Lawter and his little daughter, Gladys, who have had the flu, are much better.


Messrs. Elmer Davis, Conrad and Wilber Ridings have returned home from Fruitland Institute.

Green River school closed last Tuesday for a week on account of the principal, Mr. Hamrick, having the flu.

Messrs. J.T. and R.C. Hayes made a business trip to Rutherfordton Monday.

Mr. J.K. Hines and grandson Paul called at Mr. J.C. Davis’ Sunday.

Mrs. E.C. Davidson spent Wednesday night at Mr. J.W. Davidson’s.

Mrs. Samuel Hill of Rutherfordton spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.D. Cole.

Several here attended the funeral services of Mrs. Lucy Painter at Sandy Springs Sunday, where she was laid to rest.

Mr. E.C. Davidson moved his family to Fingerville Monday.

Several of our farmers are hauling their guano now so that it will be out of the way when the busy spring time comes.

Hurrah for C. Wilbur McGinnis come again.

Mill Spring, Route 2

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ruff of Spartanburg are visiting relatives in this section.

Mrs. O.L. Wilson spent Friday night with her mother, Mrs. S.J. Helton.

Mr. Bowlin Wilson from Route 1, attended services at Cooper Gap last Sunday.

Mr. Noah Lynch spent Saturday night in Mill Spring.

Miss Minnie Ruppe spent Saturday night with Miss Ruth Byers.

Mr. and Mrs. D.P. McGuinn received a letter from their son, Andy, who is in France, the first they have had since the war ended.

Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Foster of Mill Spring were visitors at N.E. Williams’ on last Saturday.

A crowd of youngsters enjoyed good music at the home of Mrs. Warren Coggin last Sunday.

Mrs. Ocie Gilbert and Miss Lizzie Williams spent several hours with Mrs. Fred Gibbs Saturday last.

Little Eva Wilson spent last week with Esther Wilson.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bennett spent Saturday night at N.E. Williams’.

Officers captured two stills in Big Level section last Sunday.

Mountain View

Mr. L.B. McGraw made a business trip to Rutherfordton last week.

Mrs. McGraw has been very sick but we are glad to learn that she is improving.

Mr. H.H. McCrain has been hauling to the saw mill for the past week. Seems that he is building.

Miss Alice McCrain left Saturday for Rutherfordton Rt. 3, where she will attend school for a while. She will board with her aunt, Mrs. H.H. Lynch.

Mr. Martin McCrain caught a fine ‘possum the other night. At least he thought it was fine when he was eating it for dinner.

Messrs. James and Mont burgess are keeping “Bachelor’s Hall” and are working on the farm and are getting along fine.

Miss Jane Erwins’ house was burned last week. Did not learn the cause.

Mill Spring

Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Brisco are visiting relatives at Rutherfordton.

Mr. W.M. Walker and family visited Mr. G.E. Arledge Sunday.

Miss Kate Rucker of Rutherfordton was visiting her aunt, Mrs. J.M. Lewis last week. By accident a tree fell on her and hurt her very severely.  She and Mrs. Alta Pruitt were passing by where Otho Lewis was chopping and by some means Mrs. Pruitt escaped but Mrs. Rucker was unfortunate and caught under the tree. We hope she will recover. (It’s Miss Rucker on first reference and Mrs. Rucker on second; don’t know which is correct.)

Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Elliott of Hopewell are visiting the later’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Arledge.

Mill Spring Route 1

Mr. A.F. Corbin moved to A.A. Edwards’ Monday, where he will stay a month or so, teaching the people of this community who cannot read or write.

Misses Julia and Mattie Abrams spent the week-end with their sister, Mrs. Q.M. Powell.

Misses Mae and Odessa Searcy, Naoma and Mary Willie Whiteside attended services at Lebanon Sunday.

Mr. Sam Ownby made a business trip to Tryon Thursday.

Anderson Womack has returned home, we are glad to note. He was a sailor.

Miss Bernice Wilson has departed for Columbia, S.C., where she has secured a position.


Mrs. E.A. Kettle, Mrs. Power, Miss O’Reily, and Mrs. J.H. Griffith and daughter, Miss Jane, were in Spartanburg Monday.

Mrs. Earl Grady was in Spartanburg Wednesday.

Lieut. Raymond Emerson came down to Tryon with Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Emerson, but he returned to Concord on Tuesday.

Mrs. Kennedy spent Wednesday in Spartonburg, going that far with Mrs. W.S. Lipscomb, who left for her home in Gaffney that day.

Mr. Griffith began his voluntary services at the public school with a class in civil government, which he makes of the greatest interest.

Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Little and two sons arrived in Tryon from Plainfield, N.J., Wednesday evening. Theyeir many friends are glad to welcome them back to Tryon.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Voorhees of Indiana are guests of friends in Tryon. They are on a prospecting visit. Hope they find something to suit and will become permanent Tryonites.

Mrs. Lubeck and Miss Loraine Stone were in Spartanburg Tuesday.

Miss Effie Holden arrived in Tryon Sunday on her annual visit to relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. O.A. Buckius have returned from a visit to relatives at Orlando, Fla.

Miss Converse went to Spartanburg Monday for a two-week visit to friends.

Mr. Gerald Stone, with the Y.M.C.A. at Fort Meyer, Va., is home on a short furlough.

Mountain Industries Tea Room will be open every week day from 3:30 until 6 o’clock p.m.

Mrs. J.B. Reid and daughter, Miss Beatrice, left Tuesday for a visit to relatives at Gastonia.

Mr. Howard Strong of Minneapolis, Minn., is visiting in Tryon, the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Strong.

Mrs. W.S. Lipscomn and little child of Gafney, S.C., spent several days in Tryon, guests of Mrs. J.W. Kennedy.

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