
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Lt. Stokes, Pvt. Shively Cited for Bravery, Feb. 14, 1919

From The Commonwealth, Scotland Neck, N.C., Feb. 14, 1919.

Men Cited for Bravery

The Commander in chief, in the name of the president, has awarded the distinguished service metal upon Lieut. Stokes of Reidsville and Private Shively of Spray, for the following acts of heroism:

First Lieut. John Y. Stokes Jr., Air Service 20th Aero Squadron, for extraordinary heroism in action near Etain, France, September 16, 1918. After their own formation had been broken up, Lieut. Stokes and his pilot voluntarily continued on their bombing mission with planes from another squadron. Although their plane was thrown out of control by anti-aircraft fire, they proceeded to their objective and dropped their bombs. Their motor then died completely, and they were attacked by an enemy combat plane, but they fought off the attacking machine and reached the allied lines where their plane crashed in a forest. Home address John Y. Stokes, father, West Market, Reidsville, N.C.

Pvt. Harvey H. Shively, 2nd Battalion, Intelligence Section, 120th Infantry, A.S. No. 1320864. For repeated acts of extraordinary heroism in action near Bellicourt, France, September 29, 1918 and near Becquigny, France, October 9, 1918. Near Bellicourt Pvt. Shively, with an Australian soldier, captured 42 of the enemy including two officers. On October 9 near Becquigny, he accompanied another soldier in penetrating the enemy’s outpost line and captured two machine gunners, putting the gun out of commission. Home address, Mrs. Martha Shively, mother, Spray, N.C.

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