
Friday, February 8, 2019

Much Military News in Feb. 8, 1919 Local and Person Items from Hickory, N.C.

From the Hickory Daily Record, Feb. 8, 1919

Local and Personal

Major S.P. Boddie of Louisburg is spending a few days in Newton with Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Lancaster at the Virginia Shipp hotel. Major Boddie recently returned from France. He was with the 120th infantry, 30th division. He was wounded on October 10 and was sent to a hospital where he remained until he was sent home, reaching here on December 30th. The major’s wounds consists of a broken arm caused by a machine gun bullet. The bullet passed through his lung and lodged in his liver. The major was in some of the hardest fighting, both in Belgium and France. Since his arrival in the United States, he has been visiting his relatives at Louisburg. He will spend several days here before returning home.

Sergeant Robert Tomlinson of Troy will arrived in the city tonight to spend a week with Mrs. Tomlinson, who is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Miller.

Mr. Albert Miller, who is attending school at Fishburne Military Academy, Virginia, has returned to his school after successfully undergoing an operation at the University of Virginia hospital at Charlottesville, Va.

Mrs. O.G. Henkle has as her guests Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Ford of Cleveland. Mr. Ford, who is a master of engineers, recently received an honorable discharge from the army at Beauregard, La.

Sergeant Willie Fincher of Rock Hill is expected to arrive in Hickory Monday to visit his aunt, Mrs. J.H. Elliott on Tenth avenue.

Wallace Bumgardner, son of Mr. Tom Bumgardner arrived in Newton Wednesday. He reached New York January 14 and got his discharge at Camp Lee, Virginia, Tuesday. He went from Newton to his home in Maiden. He beloved to the 51st heavy artillery of the Rainbow division.

Lieutenant A. Flint Klutz of Camp McLellan, Alabama, was a guest of his brother, County Attorney L.F. Klutz Saturday and Sunday. Lt. Klutz was en route to Camp McLellan from Camp Upton, New York, where he had been to take a number of soldiers to be mustered out. He is a son of Dr. and Mrs. P.L. Klutz of this county.

Mr. Karl M. Warlick, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Warlick of Newton, has received his honorable 
discharge from the army and is at home with his parents in Newton.

Miss Dorothy Ervin has returned from Camp Wheeler, where she has been nursing the soldiers. She is now with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Ervin, having received her discharge.

Sailor Clyd Michael, who has seen service in the navy and been stationed on the steamship Rensler, came home on a furlough, but has since been honorable discharged so as to take up the farm work at home.

Sailor Roy Anderson, after spending several days here with his wife at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Stamey, left Saturday for Norfolk, Va., where he is stationed. Mrs. Anderson will spend several weeks with her parents.

Mr. Don Leonard, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Leonard, arrived in Hickory yesterday. Mr. Leonard had been in service overseas.

Mr. Tom Goode of the U.S. navy was a Hickory visitor yesterday.

Mr. P.J. Suttlemyre is able to be out again after an attack of influenza.

Miss Eva Hollar left todayi for Statesville to undergo an operation for appendicitis.

Miss Lovina Hawn left today for Claremont to visit Miss Lydia Witherspoon.

Mrs. F.E. Nichols and children, Caro and Herbert, are spending the week end in Lenoir with relatives.

Mr. D.J. Sox spent today in Statesville with Mrs. Sox who is at Dr. Long’s sanatorium.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hunter LaRue DeGribble, a daughter, Virginia.

A play, “Claim Allowed,” was given by the students of the Newton high school last night at the school auditorium to a crowded house. Those taking part in the play were Edward Haupt, Elizabeth Bacon, Reaves Ervin, Camilla Rhyne, Norma Hollingsworth, Dewey Drum, Harold Ervin, Kathryn Caldwell, Hawley Mchaffey, Annie McCorkle, Genevieve Gaither, George McRee, Kathrine Curtis, Ray Setzer, and Earl Drum. Special features were duets by Mesdames R.B. Knox and A.H. Crowell, and by Mrs. Clyde Rowe and Miss Genevieve Gaither; a mixed quartet of Mrs. Knox, Miss Josephine McCorkle and Messrs. G.C. Little and Clyde Rowe; and a solo by Mrs. Knox.

Mr. Fred Murphy went to Charlotte tonight where he will witness Pom Pom at the auditorium tonight.

Miss Ottie Belle Troutman returned to her home near Catawba today after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Z.S. Troutman.

Mr. C.E. McIntosh, Mrs. A.C. Shuford and five teachers of the Startown high school motored to Hickory last evening and attended the play at the Hub. The teachers were Misses Sarah Shuford, Saunders, Renn, Martin and Long.

A Valentine party will be given at the Startown school next Friday night and a splendid program is being mapped out by the handcraft pupils. Souvenirs, game and fortune telling will be some of the features. The public is invited.

Married at Kannapolis

A wedding which came as a complete surprise to their relatives and friends was solemnized in Kannapolis Tuesday evening when Miss Clara Frazier became the bride of Mr. W.R. Norris. Miss Frazier is the pretty and attractive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Frazier of this city and has been a member of the Kannapolis graded school faculty the past session. Mr. Norris is a successful young photographer of Reidsville, where the young couple will reside.

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