
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Red Cross Buys Wilson County a Car So Community Nurse Can See More Patients, 1919

From the editorial page of the Wilson Times, Feb. 25, 1919

Thanks to the Red Cross

By L.J. Smith, Health Officer

For some time the Health Department of the city and county of Wilson has been greatly handicapped for lack of transportation for a Community Nurse. No funds were provided by the Department for the purchase of an automobile, which was a source of much regret, realizing the fact that one nursed with an automobile could do the work of two or three nurses who had to walk from place to place.

This proposition was put up to the Red Cross and they saw the business side of the proposition along with the great possibility of helping all the people of the city and county of Wilson. As a result they instructed me to buy a Dodge car for this purpose for which the Red Cross furnished the funds, except $65 which Mr. Abbitt deducted from the price.

I am sure every good citizen of Wilson appreciates this generosity and especially is the Health Department grateful for this donation.

Long live the Red Cross Chapter of Wilson County.

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