
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Ambrose Featherston Writes Home From Camp De Souge, France

From the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C., March 13, 1919

Letter From France

Camp De. Souge, France
February 12, 1919
My dear Mother:

I told you in my last letter that we were expecting to move. We left LeCorneas, Feb. 6th, about noon. There were 1,500 of us in box cars pulled by two little engines. We call them pheasant roasters. Well, about 9 o’clock that night we got stuck on a little grade. They ran back and forth for about two hours trying to get over the grade. Then the conductor and engineer had to argue a while before they could decided to cut the train in two and take half of the cars on to the camp and then come back after the others. In the meantime we were yelling at them to get us out. I was in an old German car and the floor was so muddy and dirty. It was raining and car leaked like a riddle. We had to stand up all the way and hang our packs on the wall. One of the boys said, boys I wish were back in the states and could hear a real honest to God engine make a pull at this train. Well they finally got us into the camp about 1 o’clock the morning of the 7th and you can bet we were hungry for we had not had anything to eat since 10 o’clock the morning of the 6th. We got supper about 3 o’clock. There is 15 of us eating at one mess hall. It is colder here than where we were before. We have better quarters here.

There is some Flu in this camp, mumps also. One of our men died last week with the Flu. I have had the Flu twice, once in the states and once since I have been over here, but my health is better now than it has been since I have been in the army.

We have got a lot of horses here. I don’t think we will be here very long. I am in a casual company now, all the men in my company are from Florida. My buddy that left Jacksonville Fla., with me is still with me. He is a cowboy from Texas. We have been together in the same Battery ever since we left Jacksonville.

This leaves me well and I trust it will find you all the same. Give all the folks my best wishes.

Ambrose M. Featherston
Camp De Souge, 13th Casual Co.
A.P.O. 705, A.E.F.

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