
Friday, March 29, 2019

Bury Our Heroes Here, Whites in Maplewood and Colored in Oak Cemetery, March 29, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., March 29, 1919

Bury Our Heroes Here

The War Department is sending cards to those who have lost relatives in France, asking for instructions as to whether they want the remains returned to their home or not. We think it would be the proper thing for the remains of all the Wilson county boys to be returned to Wilson and a plot in Maplewood Cemetery set apart for the while soldiers who lost their lives in France, and a plot in Oak Cemetery for the colored. Wilson, being the county seat of Wilson county and being a thriving town, the Cemeteries will always be kept up and the graves looked after. Of course this is a matter for each parent to decide for themselves as to the final resting place of their loved ones. We merely offer this suggestion.

These boys have made history and their graves will forever be spots of historical interest and they should be kept in a place where they will be kept green after this generation has passed away.

--James Dempsey Bullock, Historian

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