
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Cases Settled From Halifax, Wilson, Hickory, and Graham, March, 1919

From the Roanoke News, Weldon, N.C., March 27, 1919

Cases Disposed of in Halifax Superior Court

The following cases were disposed of at the Halifax Superior Court last week:

Sam Porthress, seduction, $1 fine and costs.

Shug Boyd, larceny, 1 year on county roads.

Roger Mills, resisting officer, $10 fine and costs.

Bob Smith, c.c.w. $50  fine and costs.

L.R. Starbridge, liquor, $10 fine and costs.

Ernest Mitchell, c.c.w. 30 days in jail.

George and Charlie Thompson, resisting officer, $1 and costs.

Charles Moseley, l. and r., 30 days in jail.

Ed Foster, resisting officer, $10 fine and costs.

Bill Jackson, a. and b. Judgment suspended.


From the Wilson Daily Times, March 26, 1919

Mayor’s Court

K.R. Batts was charged $1 for riding bicycle on the sidewalk.

Ben Mackay was charged $1 for riding a bicycle on the sidewalk.

Morris Popkin, a junk dealer in this city, was charged $54.25 for not keeping a record of the amount of brass that he buys and for failure to carry a license. This on account of numerous complaints from people that they miss metal and fixtures and that he purchases it from any body, regardless of whence it comes.

Willie Woodard, a delivery boy who has been working for Carroll’s Grocery, was sent to the roads for taking butter and eggs belonging to his employer.


From the Hickory Daily Record, March 26, 1919

In Recorder’s Court

Belle Williams, who did a good job in slashing Roland Hill, was fined $10 and costs in recorder’s court yesterday afternoon on the charge of cutting Lawson Crider, also colored. The woman was hired out by the commissioners, but Crider paid the fine and had her cook for him. She claimed that his purpose was not the best and it was while he was after her with a chair that she produced a sharp instrument and proceeded to do an artistic job. In the meantime Crider is under bond for hearing.

Seven Windy City young men were given a hearing yesterday afternoon on the charge of gambling. Their names were not disclosed this time and six of them paid fines and costs ranging from $10 to $25.


From The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., March 13, 1919

Superior Court

The following cases in Superior Court were disposed of last week after the paper was made up:

Max Graham, larceny of automobile, plead guilty; 10 months on the roads.

Robert Clapp, liquor for sale; plead guilty; fined $100 and paid costs.

Edgar Cotton, house breaking; plead guilty; 12 months on the roads.

Charlie Bradshaw, Al Ratliff and Broadie Phillips, larceny of automobile; verdict guilty; Bradshaw to pay $40 damage to automobile and costs; Radliff $100; Phillips 6 months on roads, leave to Commissioners to hire out.

Sam Sykes, selling liquor; plead guilty; $25 fine and costs.

D.B. Walters, receiving; guilty; $500 to Piedmont Finishing Mills and costs, and appear at March Term for 3 years.

Ernest Owen and Tom Loy, housebreaking, etc.; verdict guilty; prayer for judgment continued and to appear at March Term for 2 years.

Lawrence Mitchell, Harvey Bunton and Guy Johnson, housebreaking, etc.; verdict guilty; 2 years in State prison.

Hill Trolinger, larceny, plead guilty; $50 and costs.

Five Sent to Penitentiary

On last Friday Sheriff C.D. Story carried five convicts to the penitentiary by automobile as follows: Charlie Graves for one year; Guy Johnson, Lawrence Mitchell, Harvey Bunton and Roy Mumford each for two years. The first for making liquor and the four others were implicated in stealing a large quantity of hosiery from Piedmont Finishing Mills. One of them told some one who inquired of them on the way where they were going. He explained that they were going to the penitentiary for stealing at the hosiery mill and were caught when they went back after the smokestack. After they were put down to work, it may not quite so funny as it was riding through the country in an auto.

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