
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Distingushed Service Crosses for Heroism to Pvt. John Baker, Sergt. Clyde Shelton, March 19, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., March 19, 1919

Cited for Distinguished Service

Private John M. Baker, Company G. 4th Infantry (A.S. No. 2339046) For the following act of extraordinary heroism in action near Cunel, France, October 14, 1918. Private Baker is awarded a bar, to be work with the distinguished service cross awarded him January 7, 1919. After his platoon commander was wounded, Pvt. Baker took command; and son after being wounded, refused to go for treatment, remaining to lead his platoon for two days, until relieved. Home address, Miss Carrie Lowery, sister, Meredith College, Raleigh, N.C.

Sergt. Clyde Shelton, Company L 120th Infantry (A.S. No. 13218180 For extraordinary heroism in action near Mazinghien, France, October 19, 1918. Sergt. Shelton, who was in command of a platoon, was ordered to post an automatic rifle so as to protect he right flank of his battalion, and in order to do this, it was necessary to advance his line beyond a hedge and wire fence. Halting his platoon, he went forward himself, and, under heavy fire in a clear view of the enemy, he cut an opening in the barrier. His courageous act permitted a patrol to pass through, and the line was subsequently established with a minimum of casualties. Home address, William Shelton, father, R.F.D. No. 2, Mount Airy, N.C.

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