
Saturday, March 2, 2019

Fire Destroys Entire Stock at Lenoir Chair Manufacturing Company, 1919

From The Hickory Daily Record, Saturday, March 1, 1919

Lenoir Chair Plant Has Fire Damage of $30,000

Lenoir, March 1—A $30,000 fire occurred early Thursday morning when the finishing and packing buildings the office of the Lenoir Chair Manufacturing Company were destroyed. The buildings with their entire stock of 15 finished cars of chairs and $8,000 worth of leather were a complete loss.

The blaze was discovered by the watchman when he was making his midnight round. He immediately turned in the alarm. The fire was beyond his control and on account of the nature of the building and its contents the blaze gained such headway by the time the firemen reached the scene that their efforts to save the building or any part of it were futile. The only thing that they could do was to play the water on the side of the building nearest the other buildings and on the surrounding buildings in order to keep the fire from spreading.

Even before the blaze was brought under control S.S. Jennings, secretary and manager of the company, began to make plans to continue the operation of the factory. In speaking of the loss, Mr. Jennings said that he was unable to give anything but a rough estimate. He placed the loss in round numbers at about $30,000. The insurance is placed at about $12,000.

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