
Friday, March 29, 2019

Graded School Reports for Franklin County, Hendersonville, March 1919

From the Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., March 28, 1919

Educational Notes Concerning the Public School System of Franklin County

By E.L. Best, Superintendent

Few teachers in the county were absent at the reading circle text given last Saturday. The Youngsville Graded School teachers joined with the county teachers in this work and were also present Saturday to take the test. In a short time a list of all the teachers passing this work may be read in this column. Any teacher who was providentially kept from attending this meeting last Saturday may take the test any Saturday between now and the second Tuesday in April.

We could not secure a sufficient number of high school teachers in the county to organize a class in this phase of the reading circle, but any high school teacher who desires to get credit for reading circle work may prepare themselves to take the examination the second Tuesday in April.
This examination is given and graded by the State Board of Examiners. Also, if there is any teacher in the county who could not attend a sufficient number of the five meetings to get credit for the work, they also have the opportunity of getting credit on the above date. The book or books that you will be examined upon will depend upon the class of your certificates. You can easily find out from your reading circle pamphlet the test that your certificate calls for.

How many meetings have you had with your committee since your school began? Do you ever call upon them for help or advice except in cases of emergency? Secure their sympathy and cooperation by taking them into your confidence; not by asking their advice concerning the teaching of arithmetic, history and etc. for if you are not more familiar with the teaching process than they are, you should choose some other work, but let them know that you depend upon their assistance in looking after the material aide of your school. On any constructive work that you may initiate in your school or the community, ask them for their advice, suggestions and aid. The best way to accomplish this is to have regular meetings not less than one a month; at this time you can talk over with them your school problems, the things that your school needs the most to make it more efficient. I am confident that you will find these personal conferences very beneficial and knowing the school committeemen of Franklin county as I do, I know you will receive a hearty and sympathetic response from them.

Today the Centreville school purchased paint for putting on two new coats inside and outside of the school building; tintings for the walls were also purchased.

Last Friday night a one-room school in the county had a Jitney Circus and raised $56.40 for the benefit of the school. Miss Fannie Gupton, the teacher in this school, is a live worker, full of energy and enthusiasm. I should think the larger districts in the county would take notice of this amount. The people of Prospect are certainly interested in their school

Any school that has not been supplied with inventory blanks will please notify the office at once. Do not forget that your final report, register inventory blanks and census cards must be properly filled out and handed in before I can approve your last voucher.

Superintendent Frank W. Simmonds of Idaho expresses himself as follows: “I am glad that I am a teacher, and yet occasionally some good friends attempts to commiserate with me because I am a teacher, by pointing out to me that in some other line of work, perhaps, I would have more material wealth, more leisure, more independence, more pleasure. Now I am aware that teaching has its boundaries and at times offers restrictions that are a little irksome—but this is true of every other worthy calling in life, in fact it is incident to life itself; and the teacher in her vocation should find fullest opportunity for the exercise of the highest and best qualities of life. Here is no deadening routine. The possibilities of her labors are boundless. No teacher was ever yet so great that she did not find in teaching, exigencies, for which her skill and greatness did not suffice. Yes, it’s a great thing to teach school. It’s a wonderful thing to be a teacher


From the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C., Thursday, March 27, 1919.

Graded School Report

For more than four months there have been no reports made through the papers of the attendance, grade of work done, and honor rolls of the city schools. Of course the cause for this was the disorganization and irregularities brought about by the epidemic of influenza and other sickness, but now that the malady seems to e almost if not quite gone from our midst, we shall go back to our former custom of making some sort of report and now and then a little comment on conditions at the end of each school month.

Attendance, of course, has been much below normal since September, and certainly there are numbers of children who will for one cause or another not return to school this term, but generally speaking conditions are almost normal now. The attendance has steadily and rapidly grown for the past four weeks until at the present time over 400 are now attending regularly. And a great majority of these are doing splendid work and are willing to co-operate fully in trying to make their promotion possible this spring when the term closes.

And this leads up to the question that has been so often asked: “When will school close, and will the children make their grades?” It has been decided by the school trustees that the schools shall close on June the 6th. The senior class will be graduated at that time, and the colleges of the state have agreed to take those that apply for entrance into their freshman classes just as they have done heretofore. And just as the seniors will be graduated, so also will the other grades be promoted to the next higher grade. The passing mark, which heretofore has been the basis of promotion, is 70 per cent, will be required this year, both for graduation and promotions and the examinations and marks will be based on the work actually covered.

The honor roll was discontinued because it seemed wise under the conditions to do so. It will make its appearance again when the present month closes. The object in having an honor roll is to encourage children to attend regularly and punctually, and to do a good grade of work. And at no time in our school lives has there been a time when normal, well and hearty children should feel the importance of going to school every day, on time, and with lessons well prepared more than at present; and for the rest of this school session. No child should be kept at home, nor allowed to stay out of school a single day except for the most urgent cause, and seldom, if ever, should there be a valid excuse for a child’s going to school late. We want the biggest Honor Roll at the close of this month that the local papers have ever published.

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