
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Local News Items From Hickory Daily Record, March 5, 1919

From The Hickory Daily Record, March 5, 1919

Local Briefs

Mr. F.M. Thompson plans to move this week to the farm he purchased some time ago from Mr. Jeff Eckard, 3 ½ miles east of Hickory on the Newton road. Mr. Eckard is moving to Virginia.

Dr. W.P. Speas has purchased Mr. Thompson’s residence on Eleventh avenue. Mr. Thompson will continue his shoe repairing business in Hickory while improving his 84-acre farm and putting it in condition to be a source of profit and pleasure for him and his family later on. He expects to tackle the chicken and cattle business on a small scale in a few years.

Mr. D.L. Wray, who recently returned from California, has purchased the Ford-Whisnant store in Bandys township, nine miles east of Hickory on Shelby road. He has also purchased a small tract of land and will set out 200 peach trees this spring. Mr. Wray has purchased a well-established business in the store and undoubtedly will do well. He is an expert fruit grower and will be in position, it is hoped, to render good service to the whole section.

Mr. John Hefner has purchased the Minga property on the corner of Twelfth street and Eighth avenue from Mr. J.L. Cilley.

Mr. Theodore Ingram of the aviation corps, Fort Worth, Texas, has received his discharge and is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Ingram.

Lieutenant Charles S. Stevenson of the tank corps is expected to land in the states some time next week.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones left this morning for Charlotte to attend the funeral of young William Harrell Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Jones, who was accidentally killed yesterday afternoon by his brother, George Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Jones formerly lived in Hickory and have a number of relatives and friends who will be grieved to learn of the accident. George was handling a pistol when it exploded.

The friends of Mrs. S.B. Stroup will be glad to learn that she is up again after being severely indisposed.

Hickory women will be able to vote in the municipal election the last of this month if the house passes the municipal suffrage bill.

Mrs. Ralph Minish and two small children and Miss Pearl Minish of Lenoir passed through Hickory this morning enroute to Junction City, Kan., where Mrs. Minish and children will make their home. Mr. Ralph Minish, young husband of Mrs. Minish, recently died in France from wounds received in action.

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