
Sunday, March 31, 2019

News From Across Polk County, March 28 1919

From the Polk County News and The Tryon Bee, Friday, March 28, 1919


Mr. Joe D. Hall was landed at Newport News, Va., from overseas service, and his friends are eagerly awaiting his return to Polk county.

Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Taft went to Asheville Tuesday. Mr. Taft has been in bad health for some time, and has gone to place himself in the care of a specialist.

The Junior Order is taking on new life. Messrs. Wayne Creasman and Earl Hudson were reinstated, and Mr. Raymond Jackson took his first degree Tuesday night.

The many friends of Mrs. Giles and daughter, Miss Matilda, will be pleased to learn that they have arrived safely in England. They report a most pleasant and enjoyable voyage.

Rev. Wm. Chedester was married to Miss Bessie Stephenson at the residence of Mr. James Rion in Tryon, Wednesday morning, March 28th. Dr. Smith of Asheville performed the ceremony.

Mrs. W.B. Rankin and daughter returned home from New Orleans last Tuesday, where they spent the winter. After remaining in Tryon but a short while they went on to Asheville where they will visit relatives.

Lieut. McCahill has won the everlasting gratitude of some of Tryon’s future Ty Cobbs by the donation of a lot of baseballs and bats. Soon may we expect the McCahills to be ready to wallop any and all antagonists.

This paper is in constant receipt of inquiries regarding suitable houses and apartments for summer visitors. Not all people like the high altitude of some of the other resorts. There is no reason why Tryon should not become as popular summer resort as it is a winter resort at present.

Mr. C.M. Howes made a call Wednesday and told us the reason no work had been done on the Tryon-Saluda highway was owing to a shortage of labor. They were also awaiting the appointment of a new highway commission by Gov. Bickett. That has since taken place, so we presume it will not be long until work will begin on this project.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Avant entertained the Chedester-Stephenson bridal party at dinner Tuesday evening. The Avant home was tastefully decorated for the occasion with jonquils and ferns. The color scheme was also carried out in the table decorations, the bon bon dishes, etc., being made to represent jonquils. The cutting of the wedding cake and many toasts to the bride were much enjoyed, and altogether it was a very happy occasion.


The entertainment given by Stearns High School Saturday night included plays by Mrs. Jack, a minstrel show by the High School, and an old-time singing by the Betterment Club. Cakes and homemade candy were sold. Proceeds amounted to $24.71.

Last Sunday morning Rev. E.J. Jones helped reorganize a Philithea class at the Baptist church. The following officers were elected: President, Miss Emma McNich; Vice-President, Mrs. H.H. Edwards; Secretary and Treasurer, Miss Mae Mills; Teacher, Rev. E.J. Jones; Substitute Teacher, Mr. J.R. Sams.
Miss Lizzie Dedmond has returned home from an extended visit to relatives in Clinton, S.C.
Mr. G.W. Rice is in Augusta, Ga.

Mountain View

Mrs. Martin McCrain, who has been very ill, is improving.

Mr. Caldwell Jackson, son of Henry T. Jackson, died at his home Monday night. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss, also many relatives. His remains were interred in Mountain View cemetery Wednesday.

Mrs. H.H. McCrain visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert of Route 1, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. L.B. McGraw made a business trip to Tryon Monday last.

Mill Spring

Rev. Hamrick was unable to preach for us Sunday but he sent Rev. White in his place.

Misses Bertha Dalton, Esther Gibbs and Letha Barber attended teachers’ meeting at Columbus Saturday.

On account of the rain not many of the young folks attended the birthday party in honor of Clarence Gibbs Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Dicus have moved to Inman, S.C.

Miss Sue Gibbs and brother Hubert of Stearns High School visited home folks last week-end.

Don’t forget the box supper at Silver Creek Saturday night March 22.

Mrs. Edgar Jones is spending a few days in Spartanburg this week.


Some of our citizens have recently purchased teams. Some horses and some mules; with a view of farming. It’s to be hoped that more farming will be done than has been done in the past. There has been more interest in stock, poultry and fruits shown than ever before. All this is being advised and enforced by our county demonstrator, Mr. J.R. Sams.

Well, Bro Fishtop, let us know about the railroad survey. Where does it begin and where will it terminate?

Last week we got a little gay and boasted of our progressiveness over the fact that the school tax was voted without a single opponent. Now we don’t want to have to take back what we said. Let us progress a little further and finish this nice church building that has been started a long time ago. A proposition has been made to the people of Lynn that for every dollar raised by them two will be added. Now don’t you think this is a liberal proposition? One that should be met and complied with at once. Now let every one who desires to see the completion of this church see the pastor, Dr. Pratt, and for every dollar you give, rest assured that two more will be added.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Edwards Jr. March 14th. Both mother and babe are doing well. Congratulations.

Hon. W.F. Swann arrived at his home one day last week, after two months stay in Raleigh, as Representative of Polk county in the legislature.

A.N. Kunkle is having his store building touched up with a fresh coat of paint. Mr. J.G. Monroe of Tryon is wielding the paint brush.

Mr. A.N. Kunkle has a brother from Portsmouth, Va., visiting him.

Mr. W.A. Rollins is moving to the place he purchased at the sale of the old Ballenger place recently.
Some colored people near here last Sunday evening amused themselves by a little pitched battle at the home of Lizzie Peak, and after the smoke of battle had cleared away it was found that Lizzie had received a serious wound, which afterward proved fatal. One Lindsey Moore, the man who did the shooting, made his escape. A coroner’s inquest was held Monday. Sheriff Jackson has two or three under arrest as being implicated in the killing.


Mr. Robert Owens and Miss Clara Taylor were married Sunday afternoon.

Miss Lola Bright Falls is teaching at Hillcrest Institute during Mr. Hunter’s convalescence.

Mr. Bill Greenway is critically ill.

Miss Julia Abrams is staying at Tryon for awhile.

Misses Margaret and Ruth Brian spent the week-end with their aunts, the Misses Moore.

Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Moore spent Sunday in Spartanburg county with Mrs. Moore’s brother, who has just come home from the army.

Messrs. Lack and Wylie Bridges were done at their old stamping grounds, Sandy Plains, Sunday.
A number of young people gathered for a song-fest at Mr. Jolly’s Saturday evening.

The Farmers’ Cooperative Association held a very successful meeting at the Greens Creek High School Saturday afternoon. The Association will doubtless become a force for good in Greens Creek township. Among other things, it was decided to organize a Boys’ Corn Club and a Girls’ Canning Club, and to hold a community fair in the fall. The regular time for meeting is the fourth Saturday afternoon at Greens Creek High School, but a special meeting has been called for Saturday, March 29th, at 2:30 p.m. All farmers in Greens Creek township are invited to attend.

Sunny View

Pshaw, we were feeling good over the election. Forty-three registered; 11 voted against the taxes and 21 for.

Mr. Ralph Edwards was a caller at Mr. N.E. Williams’ Sunday.

Mr. Willie Mills has purchased a new motor car.

Mr. Pitts of Spartanburg has purchased a farm near here and moved on to it.

Mr. Ernest Ruff sailed for Brest, France, last week, on a transport which is to bring soldiers of the Rainbow Division home.

Mr. T.F. ills and Mr. Pitts have been busy for the past month building new dwellings.

Some of our soldier boys who are in Germany report that they have been to the ex-Kaiser’s castle and have had a wonderful time.

Mr. Posey Brown of Spartanburg is visiting in this section.

Mr. T.P. Brown and family left last week for Tennessee, where they have bought a farm.

The 30th Division (Old Hickory) will land on March 29th. We feel sure there will be many hearts made glad, while some will be sad, as two Polk county boys who were in this division were killed on the battle field of Europe, on Sept. 29th, 1918.

Melvin Hill

Miss Martha Sanders celebrated her 84th birthday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stacy, last Sunday. There were quite a few of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren at the dinner, and she was the recipient of several presents.

Elder G.A. Branscom arrived home from Kissimee, Florida, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Sanders and children of Green River spent Sunday with relatives at Melvin Hill.
Messrs. Joe and Ben Morris, twin brothers, visited their mother, Mrs. Mary Morris, last Sunday.
Mrs. Nat Edwards has gone to Rutherfordton hospital for treatment.

Mr. Boyd Cole of Green River visited friends here last Sunday.

Farmers are getting earnest about turning land now, as there has been a week of good weather.
Mrs. Branscom is still quite poorly but we hope she will soon be around again.


Mrs. Clara Feagan and little daughter, Cleo, were delightfully entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Pace Saturday evening, from 6 to 9.

There was a signing at Mountain Valley church Sunday evening.

Someone set a fire on Laurel Mountain Saturday and burned over the entire mountain, doing considerable damage, especially timber, burning over 100 acres before it was checked finally Sunday evening. A few people in this county need a lesson taught them and the sooner the better.
If there is anybody who wants to work, he can get a job here, as the farmers are so badly behind they would be glad to welcome a few laborers to their fold.

The Fishtop school closed Saturday, March 22nd, with an entertaining program by the four graduates of the school. The school room was beautifully decorated with ivy, spruce and ferns. The chairs of the graduating class were beautifully draped with the class colors, gold and black. “Here We Gather Every Morning” was the welcoming address by Elma Newman, followed by the song “We Are Climbing Learning Hill.” Class history given by Avaree Jones followed by the song “We’ve Gone Out From This Course of Study.” Estella Pace gave the class last will and testament, followed by the song “Twas a Long Way to Graduation But Now We’re Right There.” Class Prophecy by Eva Pace; song, “Flow Gently Green River; Farewell address by Estella Pace, followed by the song “Good-bye” sung and played by the teacher. An interesting talk was then given by Mr. Thos. E. Pace, after which the pupils reassembled to their homes, feeling that there were not sufficient funds to continue the school longer. The committee and patrons of the school are well pleased with the services of the teacher, who did not have a fair chance to show her ability on account of much sickness among the students.

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