
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Personal Items Include Return of Paul Alexander, Henry Moore, March 14, 1919

From The Commonwealth, Scotland Neck, N.C., March 14, 1919


Private Paul Alexander, recently noted as wounded, arrived home this morning, having arrived at New York on the same day that President Wilson debarked at Boston. He was inducted into Camp Lee for demobilization and received his honorable discharge yesterday.

Mr. Henry Moore received his honorable discharge from the navy on Wednesday last in Norfolk and arrived home last night. Mr. Moore made 10 trips across the ocean on the transport President Grant.

The patrons of Mrs. A.M. Riddick will be glad to know that she has secured the services, as milliner, of Miss Eloise Dunn of Virginia, who has hitherto made headquarters in New York. Miss Dunn accompanied Mrs. Riddick back to Scotland Neck this morning.

Messrs. W.B. Strickland Jr. and W.D. Harden, delegates from the local lodge of the W.O.W. who attended the state convention at Salisbury, returned home last evening and report a good meeting. After the convention closed they made a trip over the mountains, taking in Asheville and other places of interest.

Mr. J.H. Alexander Jr. returned last night from a business trip to Richmond.

Just received, a new lot of Columbia Records at the Scotland Neck Furniture Company.

Mr. T.B. Wheeler made a business trip to Weldon this morning.

Mr. J.H. Durham has been to his bed for several days with an overstrained muscle and is reported quite ill today.

Mr. Charles McGwigan and Mr. Spier Bellamy of Enfield were here last night visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Hall.

Miss Irene Wright returned today from Franklin, Va., after visiting her sister, Mrs. F.R. Williams, for a couple of months.

Mrs. A.M. Riddick and Mrs. R.G. Shackell returned from the north this noon being met at Palmyra by Mr. J.C. Riddick.

Roanoke Rapids raised $1,700 and Enfield $750 toward the Armenian Relief yesterday.

Mrs. Reba Shields met with a painful accident yesterday, spraining her ankle, and is today confined to her bed and unable to talk.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Madry are expected back from Baltimore tomorrow. Mr. Madry has been in the northern markets for several days buying Spring stocks.

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