
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Sgt. Lee Jackson of Elizabeth City, Injured in France, Is Home, March 21, 1919

From The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., March 21, 1919

Shell Shocked, But He Sees Home Once More. . . Sergt. Lee Jackson Had Tough Experience, But He Comes From France With Honors

Shell shocked and gassed in the Argonne Forest in France in the midst of the heavy fighting of Oct. 15, 1918, Sergt. Lee Jackson of Elizabeth City is home again. His nerves have been literally shot to pieces; this youth of 23 twitches and starts like an old man with St. Vitus Dance. But he says he is getting over it day by day and expects to be himself again in a few short weeks.

Sergt. Jackson was with the Medical Detachment of the 102nd Ammunition Train of the 27th Division. On the night of Oct. 15 he was with an outfit carrying munitions to the infantry in the Argonne. A big high explosive shell from the German lines exploded in 20 feet of him. He dropped unconscious, but regained consciousness in about 10 minutes. He didn’t carry a scratch. He wasn’t even hit by particles of flying dirt cast up by the exploding shell. But the next day he began to feel the effects of the shock. A medical examination also revealed that he had been gassed. He recovered from the gas in a few days, but recovery from the shell shock is not so rapid.

Sergt. Jackson came home with the French Croix de Guerre with an accompanying bronze star for distinguished service. It happened on the night of Oct. 3 there was an explosion in a dugout in his vicinity and the cries of men in the dugout were heard. Sergt. Jackson with some companions located the dugout, burst open the door and rescued a French lieutenant and several men who had been blinded by the explosion and were in danger of being burned to death.

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