
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Purpose of a Newspaper, March 12, 1919

From The University of North Carolina News Letter, March 12, 1919

Newspaper Ideals

A dedication to the declared functions of a newspaper and its high purposes is chiseled in stone upon the lofty walls of the new building of The Detroit Michigan News. Quoting the President of the News, “these inscriptions are not hidden in the foundation to be forgotten, but placed where they are ever before the eye of all a reminder of service rendered and those ideals we are all pledged to attain.” 

A newspaper must be a:

Mirror of the public mind; interpreter of the public intent; troubler of the public conscience.

Reflector of every human interest; friend of every righteous cause; encourager of every generous act.

Bearer of intelligence; dispeller of ignorance and prejudice; a light shining into all dark places.

Promoter of civic welfare and civic pride; bond of civic unity; protector of civil rights.

Scourge of evil doers; exposer of secret iniquities; unrelenting foe of privilege and corruption.

Voice of the lowly and oppressed; advocate of the friendless; righter of public and private wrongs.

Chronicler of acts; sifter of rumors and opinions; minister of the truth that makes men free.

Reporter of the new; remembrance of the old and tried; herald of what is to come.

Defender of civic liberty; strengthener of loyalty; pillar and stay of democratic government.

Upbuilder of home; nourisher of the community spirit; the art, letters and science of the common people.

--The Outlook

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