
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Boy Scouts Having Fun in High Point, Elizabeth City, April, 1919

From The High Point Scout, April 10, 1919. Last name spelled Hershy in one place and Hershey in another; not sure which is correct.

A Hike to the Hayworth Mineral Springs

The Boys Scouts of Troup 3 hiked to Hayworth about 6:15 a.m. ahead of their Scout Master Mr. Coble. Arriving at the springs at 7:15 a.m. they repaired at once to their camping place. Before breakfast, when the boys were all hungry, a scout, the smallest in the party, discovered that he had lost his drinking cup. He immediately set out to find it, and did not return for over an hour. Two Scouts were sent to find the lost one, and after about 15 minutes hunt, found Scot Hershy tangled up in some briars along a small stream. A hasty trip was made back to camp, where breakfast was cooked and devoured.

After breakfast the boys cleaned up camp and then started for a ramble. They fell in with the Scout Master who had just arrived. After playing base ball for a while we made an interesting trip to the caves, and from there back to camp. A few of the second class test were passed off before the Scout Master.

After dinner the boys and their Scout Master journeyed over to the Springs, where an interesting ball game was played. Scout Kearney Crissman passed the trailing test and was declared a full Second Class Scout. Mr. Coble left for the city. The boys played another ball game and, as it was getting late, decided to return home. They arrived in town weary but happy. The Scouts enjoying the hike were Scout Master Rev. C.P. Coble; and Scouts Beck, Stewart, Jackson, Hershey, Ellington, Kearney, Crissman and Snyder.


From The Independent, Elizabeth City N.C., April 9, 1919

Tuesday, April 6, the boy scouts of Elizabeth City had their first spring banquet and spring get-to-gether meeting. The banquet was in honor of Scoutmaster Shumaker.

The headquarters for the scouts was beautifully decorated in signal flags, scout pictures and souvenirs and the seats were in rows of three, each facing the scoutmaster desk. During the regular meeting there was a brief talk by Assistant Scoutmaster Pendleton who also reviewed the scouts on their past work. Following Mr. Pendleton’s talk Scoutmaster Combs gave a very interesting talk. Both talks brought applause. Another distinguished visitor was present, ex-Scout Victory Overman, who has offered his service as Boy Scout photographer. Mr. Overman also gave the scouts their first lesson in photography, which was enjoyed by all present.

Following that Mr. Combs asked all of the Flying Eagle Patrol to stand and line up, as well as the Rattlesnake Patrol. Mr. Pendleton then threw open the doors to the banquet hall which was elaborately decorated in stars and strips and the different troop flags. Not since the organizing of the boy scouts here has such an occasion been pulled off. The scouts thought it was the time of their lives. After each scout was before his chair a blessing was asked by Mr. Shoemaker. Then the fun began, you could almost hear the boys smack their lips over the eats.

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