
Thursday, April 4, 2019

Flu Takes Daisy Nicholson, Edna Jones Crary, April, 1919

From the Brevard News, April 4, 1919. Mrs. Crary had two obituaries in the same paper, one written by a reporter and the second as a letter to the editor written by her pastor. such a sad situation that her eldest son makes it home safe from the war and two weeks later his mother dies of the flu and his sister Mary is desperately ill with the disease. You may wonder at Christian being written with a lowercase "C". That's how it was spelled 100 years ago. It's usually spelled with a capital C in this blog because autocorrect capitalizes it.

Miss Daisy Nicholson Dead

A Calamity has befallen our community in the death of Miss Daisy Nicholson, who passed to her reward with the dawn of the morning of April 3rd.

Here was a live of loving and helpful service to all. Till exhausted in strength she spent the last days and nights of her life in administering to the sick and suffering, then speedily succumbed to a severe attack of influenza and pneumonia.

Death of Mrs. Crary

Mrs. T.B. Crary died at her home last Saturday morning at 6:30 o’clock of pneumonia following influenza. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. W.E. Poovey and interment was in the Oak Grove cemetery.

Mrs. Crary was before her marriage Miss Edna Jones of Asheville. She is survived by her husband, T.B. Crary, and four children, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones of Asheville, and several brothers and sisters. The eldest son, Roy Crary, returned from France and short time ago, and a daughter, Miss May Crary, is now desperately ill with influenza.

Mrs. Truman Crary Passes

Last Saturday morning death claimed a devoted wife, a loving mother, and a consecrated christian woman when the wife of Truman Crary of North Brevard died following influenza and pneumonia.

Mrs. Crary leaves a husband, one daughter and three sons, besides the members of her father’s family, to mourn her passing.

Roy, the oldest son, had just been home from overseas two weeks.

Mrs. Crary was a daughter of Chas. B. Jones and a sister of Mrs. Ethel Crary.

The funeral services were held at 1:30 p.m. Sunday by the graveside at Oak Grove.

This good woman will be missed in home, church and community, but she has gone to her reward.

W.E. Poovey, Her Pastor

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