
Friday, April 5, 2019

Hickory to Erect Victory Arch to Honor Soldiers, April 5, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, April 5, 1919

Hickory Will Place Arch in Honor of Soldiers

Hickory will erect an arch as part of the welcome decorations in honor of the Catawba soldiers and sailors. This was decided upon last night at a meeting of the various celebration committees of the Chamber of Commerce and a sufficient fund, probably 4500, was voted from the treasury to pay the cost. The meeting was presided over by Mr. Hugh D’Anna, chairman of the general committee, and representatives of other committees were on hand and discussion was general.

There was some sentiment to put the money that would be required to build the arch in something more permanent, but nobody could suggest what that should be. The whole matter was threshed out and it was the determination of all to redouble their energies against the arrival of the local company, when the jubilee will be held.

Parents and relatives of soldiers who enlisted in Hickory or who were called to the colors from Catawba county will be given to understand that they were in the celebration. Invitations will be sent to the officials of towns near-by, especially those places which contributed men to the cause, and it is hoped they will be much in evidence. Families of these men will also be urged to attend.

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