
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Hickory's Home Baked Goods, Homemade Jam, Juice Appreciated by Soldiers in Asheville Hospital, April 7, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, Monday, April 7, 1919

Appreciate Donations

Mrs. A. Burbonnais has received the following letter from Mrs. N. Buckner of Asheville, General Secretary of the Baracca-Philathea Union:

“I received your box and distributed the contents to several wards. We gave a bottle of grape juice to ward I-1, where the contagious cases are kept, and where the boys are never allowed out of the ward and never get to town. The nurse wanted the jar of jam, too, so as she had a boy who had a birthday yesterday. Of course, we gave her the jam. Her name is Miss Cusack, Ward I No. 1, Oteen, N.C., and I believe she is one of the most unselfish nurses I have ever known. She never lets us pass that ward without asking for something for her boys. We took the cake to another ward and put the other jars in Ward I-8 and J. The magazines we took to the “Y” building. Thus you see we reached a large number of boys in this way.

"If you could see these boys eat cookies and candies I am sure it would not be necessary for me to tell you that they enjoy them and that your box gave pleasure. Any time that you feel like sending me another box I will certainly be glad to have it, either of things to eat or flowers.

"In the name of our soldiers, I sincerely thank you for your help and cooperation."

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