
Thursday, April 4, 2019

Let's Start Soldiers, Sailors and Citizens Club, Says W.E. Breese, April 4, 1919

From the Brevard News, April 4, 1919

Red Circle for Soldier Boys

I am most heartily in favor of giving our soldiers and sailors a “Welcome” of some kind that is commensurate with their patriotism in fighting for us, but I do not feel that the welcome, whatever form it may take, should be the only token of our esteem and gratitude, we should do something that would last longer.

There is nothing that would be more beneficial and pleasant to our boys, including those of our young men who did not get into the army or navy, than to have some place for them to gather and enjoy proper recreation.

Our town is not large enough for a Y.M.C.A., but we could all get together and organize something similar to the “Red Circle” rooms where the boys could read, write and play different games.

Instead of allowing the boys to loaf on the streets or in the backs of stores or restaurants, let’s fix a place for them to get together where the surroundings will be pure and pleasant and where they can have suitable recreation.

Let’s organize a “Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Citizens’ Club” and secure a convenient and comfortable place there and furnish papers, periodicals, writing materials, games and so forth for the entertainment of our young men.

I am sure that the majority would join and would pay a reasonable sum for the privileges of being a member and using the rooms.

This is a suggestion and I trust that the good citizens will think it over and then we should have a meeting and organize.

W.E. Breese

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