
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Mrs. Connor To Take Place of Mrs. Woodard as Woman's Club President, April 5, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Saturday, April 5, 1919

Wilson Woman’s Club

Friday afternoon there was held an enthusiastic meeting of the Woman’s Club in the Y.M.C.A. rooms, which have been tendered as permanent headquarters for the club until there is a Woman’s Club building in Wilson.

Election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows:

President, Mrs. H.C. Connor Jr.

First Vice President, Mrs. C.L. Coon.

Second Vice President, Mrs. T.F. Pettus.

Recording Secretary, Miss Fannie Harper.

Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Elmer Oettinger.

Treasurer, Mrs. Willard Moss.

It was with deep regret that the membership of the club accepted the resignation of its president, Mrs. Walter F. Woodard, which she asked to have take effect immediately. But all were agreed that her hands were full to overflowing—being president not only of the Woman’s Club but also of the Daughters of the Confederacy and hostess president for its convention which comes to Wilson on the 29th of April, and being one of the five members of the Public Charities and Welfare Board, which position demands frequent absences from Wilson. All were loath to give up such a good leader, for as the incoming president said of her, in accepting her own nomination, she was the president who, like the captain in the army, whom the negro soldier recently returned told of who did not say, “Go on, boys” but always “Come on, boys.”

Mrs. Woodard held office and did her first constructive work as chairman of civics department, from which office she rose to the presidency two years ago.

Under her leadership the Club has responded generously to all demands made upon it because of war conditions and has done always its full share in war relief work.

Mrs. H.G. Connor, the newly elected president, will take charge of her work after the June meeting. 
She comes to this not inexperienced in club matters, for she was chairman of the home economics department one year and an active and enthusiastic worker always.

Her war activities were many and burdensome, having been county chairman of the Council of National Defense during the entire period of the war.

We bespeak for her the hearty co-operation of each and every worker, and predict that she will uphold its standard and carry its banner far in uplight and betterment work.

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