
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

People and Events, Hendersonville Newspaper, April 3, 1919

From the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C., April 3, 1919

People and Events

By Miss Mattie Stansel

Miss Bessie Cannady, who has been with her cousins, the Misses Morrow, has returned to Pregnalls, S.C.

Mrs. A.L. Duncan, who spent the winter in Asheville, has returned to her home at Horse Shoe.

Mrs. J.A. McGuire has returned from a visit to Brevard.

C.H.T. Bly has returned from Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D.C.

C.L. Gray has returned from a visit to his former home at Davidson.

Mrs. Harry Ewbank and children have returned from Greenville, S.C.

Mrs. A.A. Myers from Flat Rock is in Charlotte with friends.

Pvt. John Brooks, who has been at home on a furlough, has returned to Camp Jackson.

Charles Pace, who has been in service at Camp Jackson, has been honorable dismissed and is at home.

Mrs. Herman Potts spent the weekend in Spartanburg, S.C.

Born April 1q to Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Gilliland, a son, D.H. Jr.

M.R. Allen returned to Henderson last week after a few days with his home folks.

Mrs. G.W. Brooks has returned from a week’s visit to her sister, Mrs. N.D. Coogan in Asheville.

Mrs. Burchfield, who has been with her mother and sister, has returned to Knoxville, Tenn.

Mrs. S.H. Hilliard of Asheville has been to visit Mrs. C. Few, her sister.

C.E. Brooks has returned form a business trip to the western part of Florida.

Mrs. W.A. Lincoln of New York City is visiting her sister, Mrs. Joe Bryson.

Mrs. John Grimes and children are spending the week with Miss Florence Jordan at Laurel Park Villa.

Dr. J.L. Egerton returned from Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D.C., on Tuesday.

Mrs. C.L. Gray’s mother, Mrs. Wherry, has gone to Davidson to spend some time with her daughter there.

Mrs. J.E. Shipman has returned from a visit to Forest City.

Dr. and Mrs. C. Few have returned from a visit to Greer, S.C., where they attended the funeral of a niece who died in Spartanburg, S.C.

John T. Wells has returned to the Waverly after spending the winter in Florida. Mr. Wells has been here so often he feels at home.

Dr. E.E. Bomar will returned on Saturday from Charlotte where he has been dean of the Mobile school there this week.

Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Rainey, who have been in Florida for the winter, were here for a few days this week en route to Cincinnati, Ohio.

Frank Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Bell, who was a chauffeur in the 482nd Aero-Squad overseas, returned home last week.

Pvt. Henry McCall, formerly with the 6th Company, has returned from overseas and Sergeant Ray Ross, who has been in the quartermaster corps at Camp Jackson, have come home with their honorable discharges.

Dr. C.S. McIvern, 1st Lieut. of the Medical Corps that is attached to the 107th Field Artillery, arrived last Saturday from Camp Dix and will be at Marlboro Villa with his wife and daughter for awhile.

Corporal Campbell and Pvt. Frank King, who have been in service overseas for 10 months, landed in Charleston with the 30th Division last week and will be at their home in Flat Rock this week. They will get their honorable discharge from Camp Jackson. They serviced with Headquarters 105th Ammunition train.

Misses Veda McCulough, Virginia, and R.J. Lowndes from Flat Rock spent the week-end in Asheville recently.

Mrs. Dave Barnette, from Horse Shoe, visited her aunt, who underwent an operation at the Merriwether Hospital in Asheville, recently.

Mrs. E.W. Ewbank is visiting her sisters in New York City. Mr. Ewbank, lwho accompanied her to Washington, D.C., has returned home.

Mrs. Joe Bryson is doing as well as could be expected since his operation last Saturday at the Patton Memorial Hospital.

Capt. D.E. Morgan, who has been camp surgeon at Fort Federie, Brest, France, has wired Mrs. Morgan that he landed in New York and would be sent to Fort McPherson and to Savannah before coming here.

Mesdames P.Q. McCreary, A.S. Prescott and daughter, Audrey, who has been visiting at Augusta, Dublin, Ga., and Columbia, S.C., came home Monday. Audrey has been on the sick list.

Pvt. John Henderson, nephew of J.T. Henderson, who has been overseas with the 7th Anti-Aircraft Co., has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. C.H.T. Bly. Mr. Henderson has gone to New Orleans, La.

Seaman Walter Orr, who has been serving on the U.S.S. Westwood, is pending a 12-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Orr. Mr. Orr has made five trips to France and the average time for each trip was 17 days. The Westwood carries foodstuffs overseas.

The David R. Williams property at Flat Rock has been purchased by Alfred Huger of Charleston and the Franklin Hotel at Brevard has been leased to Mrs. Fred S. Morton of Athens, Georgia, who leased the Fassifern property the last two summers.

Mrs. W.J. Davis, who has been with her daughter, Mrs. J.F. Abercrombie at Greenville, S.C., has returned home accompanied by Mrs. Abercrombie for a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. O.V.F. Blythe returned last week from Spartanburg where they accompanied Miss Evah who has gone to Boston, Mss. Miss Blythe will visit friends in Washington, D.C. enroute to Boston.

Dr. and Mrs. W.R. Kirk were accompanied to Norfolk, Va., by Elizabeth and Egerton Eringhaus, who will visit their grand-mother, Mrs. b. Ehringhaus.

Dr. and Mrs. B.F. Cliff have as their guest, Mr. A.W. McNeill of New York City. Mrs. McNeill is spending some time in Charleston, S.C., and will be here later.

Miss Rosa Hemphill has returned from Etowah. She has secured the Hyder cottage on Buncombe street and is moving her furniture from Asheville this week. Miss Helphill’s mother, from Little Rock, Ark., will be here this spring to occupy the cottage with her.

Rev. J.F. Ligon will administer communion at the 11 o’clock service on Sunday morning in the Presbyterian Church.

Mrs. Raymond Puette from Fletcher was a week-end guest of her cousin, Miss Annie Patton at Flat Rock.

Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Lamb, who live on the Edneyville Road near Sugar Loaf Mountain, spent one day in town recently.

Miss Virginia Lowndes from Flat Rock has gone to Summerville and Charleston, S.C., for a two months visit to friends and relatives.

Mrs. Vernon Maffit from Horse Shoe underwent a successful operation that was a serious one, at the Merriwether Hospital in Asheville recently.

Miss Marjorie Pearce left on Monday for Toronto, Canada. Miss Pearce has been with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Wood have gone to St. Louis, Mo., for a trip.

Mrs. A.C. Glazener and sister, Miss Sarah McFall, who was visiting her, have gone to Anderson, S.C., to be with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.T. McFall.

Mrs. Herman Potts has had the following visitors from Landrum, S.C.: Mesdames T.Y. Myers, Ralph Morgan, Miss Maggie Carpenter, and her uncle G.B. Hampton.

Dr. Thomas, who is at the Cedars, gave a very interesting lecture on his travels to the Orient at the Methodist Church last Sunday evening to a crowded house.

Misses Jessie Murray and Alma Israel are spending this week at Boyiston as the guests of Miss Murray’s sister, Miss Daisy Murray. During their vacation they will spend some time in Asheville and Spartanburg, S.C.

Mrs. Fred D. Kilpatrick of Columbia, S.C., is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Boling.

Mrs. Guy E. Dixon is reported as improving. Mrs. Dixon Feels equal to sitting up a part of the day.

Miss Julia Crosland returned Saturday from a visit to Aiken, S.C., and Augusta, F.A.

Dr. and Mrs. Walter K. Hale spent the week-end with the former’s parents on the Edneyville road.

Mrs. Mary Walker from Greenville is spending some time with her son, P.H. Walker at East Flat Rock.

Rev. J.F. Ligon is chairman of the Armenian and Syrian Relief Fund for the campaign that begins next Sunday, April 6, in Henderson County.

Mrs. Sarah Egerton has gone to visit her relatives in Rutherford county and will probably be away several weeks.

W.H. Pharr and family, who spent the winter at Bonith Springs, Fla., have returned to their home at East Flat Rock.

Raymond Glenn from Spartanburg, S.C., enroute to Brevard, spent a day with his brother and friends here last week. Carl Glenn has returned from a week-end visit to his parents at Brevard.

Miss Bettie Henderson has returned from Aberdeen, where she spent several months. Miss Henderson has accepted a position with G.T. Myers, the florist.

Mrs. J.M. Lachicathe, who is a cousin of C.E. Morris at the Rose Pharmacy, en route from Asheville to Georgetown, S.C., made a visit to Mrs. J.T. Brinkley recently.

Miss Katherine Caldwell was hostess of a Rook party last Friday evening to Misses Syretha and Elizabeth Sossamon, Mary Alice Willson, Virginia Ripley, Emma G. Gregory, Nell Morris, Helen Drafts, Mary Few, Irene Caldwell, Mary and Helen Brooks.


On Thursday afternoon, March 27, at 4 o’clock Miss Susie Sharpe became the bride of Sergeant Joe Burdette in the presence of a few friends. The solemn vows were spoken by Rev. M.F. Moores at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.K. Orr, where Miss Sharpe had been living for several months. The bride wore her traveling suit of field, mouse gray with a corsage of sweet peas and lilies of the valley. After supper with Mr. and Mrs. Orr, Mr. and Mrs. Burdette left on the Carolina Special for Cincinnati, Ohio, where they will be at home for the present.

Mrs. Burdette has been here for several years and has made many friends who will miss her. Sergeant Burdette has been in service at Camp Wadsworth since war was declared. He holds three honorable discharges from service on the Mexican border, in the Philippines and with the United States.


A marriage of much interest took pace in the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. J.H. Ryon at Tryon, on Tuesday, March 25, when Miss Bessie Stephenson became the bride of Rev. W.P. Chedester. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R.P.Smith of Asheville. Rev. and Mrs. Chedester are spending their honeymoon in New Orleans and other southern cities and will reach Asheville about April 10.
Mrs. Chedester was supervising matron of the Balfour Orphanage about a year and Rev. Chedester spent several months there assisting with the out-door work after his return from camp service. Several years ago he was pastor of the Brevard Presbyterian Church.

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