
Friday, April 19, 2019

Ray White, 12, Seriously Injured While Playing, April 19,1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, April 19, 1919. It would be so difficult to hold your son for 1 1/2 hours while waiting for medical help to arrive.

Highland Boy Is Seriously Injured

Ray White, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward White, was seriously if not fatally cut about 6:30 last evening at his home in Highland when he fell on a sharp knife while playing in his room with his younger brother, Troy White. That the lad, with a hole in the right side of his neck that extended to the throat and even severed the tonsil, was alive today was surprising to Drs. Hollar and Blackburn, who dressed the wound. It was said today the boy would probably live if no complications develop.

The accident occurred while Ray White was dressing. The younger brother went into the room and “goosed” Ray, it is said, and he fell onto the knife, which had been made by sharpening a large file on both sides and inserting one end into a wooden handle. The blade was as dangerous looking as a bowie knife and as sharp, it appeared, as a razor.

The wound was afflicted on the right side of the throat, and as stated penetrated through the throat, cutting the jugular vein and severing the tonsil. The lad bled profusely and was in bad condition when the physicians reached him. Mrs. White, the mother, had held the little fellow for an hour and a half while physicians were sought, and it was due largely to her presence of mind that he was alive when the doctors reached the place.

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