
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Sophomore-Freshman Picnic at Guilford College, April 1919

From The Guilfordian, Guilford College, N.C., April 30, 1919

The Sophomore-Freshman Picnic

Tuesday afternoon, April 15th, found the Sophomores and Freshmen in high spirits for their joint picnic, the first ever enjoyed by these two classes.

The place which had been selected proved itself to be undesirable. Parties were sent out in all directions to search for a suitable place. Mr. Brinton was of course the first person to find the desired spot. Every one rushed to it, tumbling over fences and jumping ditches as they passed. A camp fire was soon sending its flames into the sky. After a much needed rest, supper was prepared. Sandwiches! Hot dogs! Biscuits! Ice teas!!

Heaps of everything to eat and heaps of people to eat it! Hot dogs were toasted, altho it seemed as those the person being engaged was being toasted instead.

When everything had been devoured, all sat around the camp fire as shades of evening gathered. Many were the songs sung, and many the jokes told. As the crowd wended its way back to the campus, Freshmen felt less like rats, and Sophomores less superior to their verdant young school mates as a result of the pleasant evening spent together.

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