
Thursday, April 18, 2019

Union County News, April 18, 1919

From The Monroe Journal, April 18, 1919

Local and Personal

Mr. Charlie Chatman and Miss Beulah Helms were married April 13 by Esq. McWhorter at his home in Jackson township.

Mr. Randolph Redfearn sustained a painful injury a few days ago when he stuck a nail in his foot. The wound has necessitated his going on crutches.

Esq. M.L. Flow yesterday morning awarded Mr. F.N. Yandle of the Stouts community a verdict for $35 damages against the Seaboard Air Line Railway for a cow killed by one of the company’s trains last year. Counsel for the defendant gave notice of appeal.

Mr. Archie Futch has opened a wholesale business in the store room just east of T.P. Redwine’s grocery store. He will sell heavy groceries. Though young in years Mr. Futch is old in business experience and will no doubt make a success in his new venture.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Yandle will arrived Sunday to visit Mr. W.H. Yandle. Mr. Louis Yandle has recently been discharged from Camp Eustis where he was training recruits at the time the armistice was signed. He enlisted in the regular army several years ago. Mr. Joe H. Yandle of Portsmouth arrived Monday to visit his father, Mr. W.H. Yandle.

About three gallons of blockade whiskey was confiscated and about 300 gallons of beer poured out by Deputy Sheriff Clifford Fowler and Constable M.L. Threatt Wednesday afternoon. The stuff was found on the farm of Mr. Wilson Mullis in Goose Creek township. Evidence found by the officers indicated that a still had been recently located at the place. The whiskey was found hidden in a ditch.
Charley Sealy, whose home is in North Monroe, is in jail charged with stealing a cow belonging to Mr. R.E.L. Iceman. The cow was missed and Deputy Sheriff Clifford Fowler was notified. Deputy Fowler followed the tracks of the animal out of Union county and into Mecklenburg. Finally he found her between Charlotte and Pineville in Sealy’s possession. He had made several attempts to sell her on the road. Sealy will be tried in Recorder’s court Saturday.

The new state Highway Commission, composed of Frank Page of Aberdeen, chairman, J.K. Norfleet, Winston-Salem, and J.G. Stikeleather, Asheville, adjourned Wednesday evening after a week’s session. The next meeting will be held April 24th. Prior to that date the commission will visit county commissioners of every county to make arrangements for putting into effect the proposed State maintenance system. The State has been divided into four parts so that the ground can be quickly covered. Mr. Page will have charge of the roads of Union and 24 other counties.

Before the days of the railroad the Monroe cotton market drew the staple from the contingent counties. With the coming of the railroad every town along its line became a cotton market and the cotton in that vicinity was sold in it. Within the past few weeks, however, there seems to be a reversion to the old times. Monroe’s fame as a cotton market, where the best prices are always paid, has spread and the cotton has been coming in from Cabarrus county, within 10 miles of Concord, where there are so many cotton mills. Large quantities have found its way from Stanly county. Farmers dwelling in Mecklenburg, within 12 miles of Charlotte, have turned their backs upon the Queen City and brought their staple here. It has rolled in from the sand lands of Lancaster and Chesterfield county in South Carolina, and it has come in from Anson. Not only do the farmers bring their cotton here, but almost e very day finds some buyer here with samples from points 150 miles away. This is all explained when it is stated that the Monroe buyers have the reputation of paying a little more than the other fellow.

Clerk of Court R.W. Lemmond yesterday morning received a copy of the law passed by the last legislature requiring that all persons who acquire a pistol in any manner before doing so must secure a license form the clerk of Superior court in the county in which they reside.

At a recent meeting of the State medical Society held at Pinehurst, Dr. W.S. Rankin, Secretary of the State Board of Health, said that 1 million cases of influenza in North Carolina in the past five months would be a safe estimate. Dr. Rankin based his estimate upon mortality statistics collected by his office which show 703 deaths from this disease. He assumed that the fatality was 1 ½ per cent.

Miss Edith Redwine was on the program to read a paper before the North Carolina Medical Association but she is convalescing from a serious illness with pneumonia. Miss Redwine is a graduate nurse and was superintendent of one of the large Asheville hospitals when she was taken ill. At present she is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V.C. Redwine, here.

Carrie Hough, colored, was arraigned before Recorder Lemmond this morning on a charge of larceny of merchandise from the Red Hot Racket. A plea of guilty was entered and upon it being shown that the woman had previously borne a good reputation and was very penitent she was let off with payment of costs. A warrant had also been issued for her sister, Dalys Funderburk, aged 12. When it was shown that she was so young a nol pros was taken and the case referred to the Juvenile Court of which Clerk of Court W.R. Lemmond is judge. It was shown that the girl had taken goods totaling the value of more than $75. The father of the girl is a respected member of the colored race and re-imbursed the proprietor of the store from which the goods were taken. Clerk of Court Lemmond had not received forms to be used in the discharge of his duties as Juvenile Court Judge and required the father to bring the girl before him at a future date for settlement of the case.

Bridger Polk, colored, was shot and almost instantly killed yesterday afternoon at Bryant’s saw mill just over the line in Anson county. Jim Brewer, colored, is charged with the deed. According to information obtained this morning from one direct from the scene of the homicide there had been some trouble between Polk and Brewer and in the morning before the killing took place Polk had struck Brewer with a Stilson wrench. Both negroes were working at the saw mill. Again at dinner time Polk is reported to have attacked Brewer with a stick. Other men working at the saw mill interceded. On this occasion Brewer is credited with making threats against Polk. Later in the afternoon a shot was heard and Polk was found with a bullet hole in his left temple. The bullet which inflicted the wound is thought to have been fired from a pistol. The Brewer negro had disappeared when Polk was found. No one saw the deed. Esq. M.L. Flow this morning issued a warrant charging Brewer with the crime upon request of Mr. Z.B. Griffin of Marshville. The warrant was issued after it had been learned that Brewer made his way to the home of relatives in this county.

Little Mary Kirk Love, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Love, celebrated her eighth birthday Monday with a party. Ice cream and cake were served.

Mr. J.P. Keziah will open his barber shop in the basement of the Hotel Joffre Monday morning at 10 o’clock. Five barber chairs have been installed and an expert barber will preside over each. Mr. Keziah has gone to considerable expense to make his shop up-to-date in every way.

Tomorrow is the day for the city primary, which will be held in the courthouse. Following are the candidates: For mayor, John C. Sikes; for Aldermen, First Ward, Walter F. Lemmond, Lee R. Trull, Mark B. Yandle; Second Ward, Fred M. Helms, Walter A. Henderson, P. Hayne Johnson; Third Ward, Thomas C. Collins, Thomas J. Price, J. Burns Simpson; Fourth Ward, J. Dunham Bundy, W.E. Funderburk, John Richardson, Bob May; Fifth Ward, J.D. McRae, J. Baxter Williams; At Large, G.B. Caldwell and W.Z. Faulkner.

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