
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

When Troop Trains Were Refused Food at Local Hotels, Restaurants, Local Red Cross Stepped in, Fed the Men, April 17, 1919

From The Roanoke News, Weldon, N.C., April 17, 1919

Raleigh, N.C.
April 3rd, 1919
Mrs. Wm. L. Knight, President, Local Red Cross Chapter, Weldon, N.C.
My dear Mrs. Knight:

Our agent at Weldon has just informed me the patriotic manner in which our society served the negro troops on two trains passing through Weldon March 14th after an effort to secure food and refreshments form the local hotels and restaurants had been unsuccessful.

The Red Cross Society at all points along our line have certainly made for themselves a name immortal in the wholly unselfish and patriotic spirit displayed in administering the to the comfort of our soldiers of both colors, and it gives me great pleasure to express to you and the members of your local society the appreciation of the management of this company.

With high personal regards, I am
Yours very truly,
O.R. Teague, Superintendent

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