
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

County Agents' Work Praised, May 14, 1919

From The University of North Carolina News Letter, May 14, 1919. Cooperative Extension work was new in North Carolina and county agricultural agents and home demonstration agents were not in all of the counties yet. The boys and girls groups are the earliest 4-H Clubs.

Great Work

If the country civilization of North Carolina were organized in every county as it is in Anson the levels of country life would soon stand away above high water mark. The community clubs in the county number 13, the community fairs 8, the township fairs 4, the clubs of country women 23, and the clubs of boys and girls 22. All told, 58 county organizations in Anson. Not one of the eight townships has been neglected, even the most remote. Every township has from one to five country-life organizations.

And the genius who is doing this remarkable work of organizing country life in Anson is Mrs. Rosalind Redfearn. May her tribe increase. She needs to be multiplied a hundred times over in North Carolina.

Superintendent H.H. McLean is also lending himself and his school forces to the home and farm demonstration agents, and setting the woods afire in Beaufort.

The County Agricultural Association is doing the same thing in Johnston.

The Chamber of Commerce is getting ready to do likewise in Mecklenburg. Six thousand dollars have been set aside to do it with. What is wanted is just the right sort of man or woman—what President Graham loved to call ‘a real person.’ We are trying here to find such a right-hand man for these generous business people in Charlotte.

Strange, how few real persons there are in the world. Forked radishes was Carlyle’s phrase for the common run of men. What these Mecklenburgers want is a man with a first-class head-piece, big visions and policies, and effective leadership in vital concerns.

If you know him, name him. There’s a great work for him to do in the best agricultural county in North Carolina.

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