
Friday, May 24, 2019

Hickory High School Graduates 23 Students, Class of 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, May 24, 1919

Great Audience Enjoys High School Exercises

Hickory high school seniors last night held the stage and a tremendous audience in the high school auditorium enjoyed every minute of the exercises. From the time when the young graduates to almost smother-sweet and handsome, marched on the platform until the last announcement was made, the audience was delighted. There were some clever jokes, good music, and fine recitations or speakings and enough flowers for the young graduates to almost smother them. It was a happy occasion and the pity of it all is that there was no auditorium in Hickory half large enough to seat the people who wanted to attend.

It is interesting to note that 15 of the 23 graduates already have made known their intention of going to college and it is probable others will do likewise.

In a happy speech Major J.D. Elliott presented diplomas at the close of the program and the class joined heartily in rendering their class song.

Donald Hutton had the honor of being valedictorian for the class and Miss May Fisher salutatorian. The program, which was published yesterday, was carried out in every detail and with aliveliness and relish that thrilled the friends of the young people.


Music—John O’Neil and Gladys Hefner

Salutatory—May Fisher

Class History—Kathrine Hardin

Music—Eunice Long and Alice Lyerly

Prophecy—Harold Williams and Clarissa Abernethy

Class Jokes—Eugenia McIver

Class Poem—Edward Clement

Class Will—Clay Campbell

Song—“Till We Meet Again,” Annie Sigmon and Fay Eaton

Giftorian—Gladys Hefner

Valdictorian—Donald Huttan

Presentation of Diplomas—J.D. Elliott

Class Song—Class

Class Roll

Clarissa Abernethy

Ruth Bolch

Edward Clement

Willie Deal

Fay Eaton

May Fisher

Edwina Hancock

Katherine Hardin

Gladys Hefner

Eunice Long

Alice Lyerly

Eugenia McIver

Grace Payne

Nettie Sharpe

Annie Sigmon

Pamela Starnes

Clay Campbell

Donald Hutton

J. O’Neil

Earl Rink

Willie Shell

Hearschel Ward

Harold Williams

The A.J. Essex gold medal awarded for conduct, scholarship and attendance, was won by Miss Catherine Cline, a distinction that is worth while among several hundred students.

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