
Monday, May 27, 2019

Hickory Nuts, Military Entertainment Company of Soldier-Actors and Performers, May 27, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, May 27, 1919

Hickory Nuts Are Coming to City

The Hickory Nuts, the authorized show of the 30th division, with 36 in the company and a band of 16 pieces, are coming to Hickory for a matinee and evening performance on Friday, June 13. The company is endorsed by Generals Pershing, Tyson, Faison, Lewis and all other commanders. Col. Otis P Shell was here today making the necessary arrangements for the two performances.

The soldier-actors are receiving a great welcome wherever they appear and newspapers pronounce them the best ever. They come 36 strong, with band and orchestra, 17 men in the organization wearing wound stripes and three honored with decorations for bravery.

Twenty-five per cent of the proceeds will go to the reunion fund of the 30th division. Captain O’Hay is in charge and a great treat himself.

A member of the 119th infantry, Mr. H.L. Kennerly has seen and heard the Hickory Nuts in France and he told the Record today how these entertainers made life more pleasant for the soldiers. His regiment was carried in trucks to see the show, and it was a treat from beginning to end. Nothing in France appealed more to the soldiers than the high class vaudeville and musical numbers rendered by the Hickory Nuts, Mr. Kennerly said.

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