
Sunday, May 26, 2019

Hickory Soldiers Return to States From France, May 26, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, May 26, 1919

Lieutenant Elliott Back From France

Newton, May 26—Mr. A.E. Herman has returned to his home at Catawba from Camp Lee, Va., where he received his discharge from the army a few days ago and is now the guest of his father, Mr. J.F. Herman., Mr. Herman has the distinction of being the only Catawbian to be wounded in the world war. He was wounded in November and has been undergoing treatment in hospitals in the states since January. The death of his mother while he was overseas makes his coming home a sad one. Before sailing for home from Brest, Mr. Herman was a patient in Base Hospital No. 65, of which Mr. Don Sherrill, another Catawba boy, is a member, but neither knew of the other’s presence at the time.

Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Elliott have received news of the arrival of their son, Lieutenant Kerley Elliott, in New York from France. Lieutenant Elliott is with the aviation corps and has been overseas since last July.

Mr. Ralph Whisenhunt arrived in Newton yesterday from Norfolk where he recently arrived from Cuba. Before enlisting in the medical corps he was a student at Catawba College. He enlisted at Philadelphia in April 1918. Mr. Whisenhunt is spending a two week’s furlough here with his parents, Prof. and Mrs. A.P. Wisenhunt.

Mr. Marshall Warren of the 105th engineers, who was in a hospital when his company left for home, arrived in Hickory yesterday with his discharge and is at his home in Brookford.

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