
Saturday, May 4, 2019

Local Activities From Roanoke Rapids, Halifax County, May 1919

From The Roanoke Rapids Herald, May 2, 1919

Aurelian Springs News

Quite a number of people attended the entertainment at Hawkins Chapel School April 25 from 9 to 11. All report it an enjoyable and well prepared program and one which reflects much credit on the teachers, Misses Mozelle Collier and Myrtle Green. Music was furnished on this occasion by the Aurelian Springs Band.

Mrs. Walter Harris returned from a visit to her daughter of Enfield.

Mrs. Myrick and family were guests of her mother Sunday.

Rev. Bobbitt spent Friday night with Mr. M.C. Crawley.

Mr. Sam Crawley who has just returned from a nine months stay overseas with the 30th Division was the guest of his uncle, Mr. Mac Crawley Sunday. He was accompanied by his sisters and Miss Ethel Warren.

Rev. Wm. Towe filled his appointment at Tarbor April 27, preaching some stirring thoughts. Mr. Towe announced his aim for the Church to raise $600 per annum for the next five years for the support of a missionary. He asked that Special prayer service be held at Tarbor Sunday, May 4.
Rev. Bobbitt preached a deeply Spiritual sermon to a crowded house at Bear Swamp April 27.

Commencement exercises will be held at Aurelian Springs on the evenings of May 15, 16, Thursday and Friday. On Thursday evening a play will be given for the benefit of the school, admission 15 cents and 30 cents. The closing exercises on Friday evening are free to the public. The patrons are especially urged to attend on Friday evening.

Miss Mildred Hamill and Miss Lizzie Alston of Richmond, Va., were guests of Mrs. Cook Sunday.
Any one in this district wishing to subscribe to the Victory Loan will see Misses Pigg, Foxwell or Cunningham for cards.

Rosemary Personal and Local Items

Mrs. Chas. M. Lance is spending the week with her mother Mrs. D.A. Culbreth in Clinton.

Miss Mattie Baird is the guest of friends in Norfolk this week.

Mr. Jas. G. Jordan of Henderson spent Sunday in town.

Mr. J.H. Gosney of Raleigh was in Rosemary Monday.

Mr. J.T.H. Moore of New Bern spent Saturday in town.

Mrs. J.P. Hewitt spent the week-end with relatives in Goldsboro.

Mr. J.S. Oliver of New York spent Sunday in town.

Miss Ruth Fleming has returned to Rosemary from Raleigh, where she was called on account of the illness of her mother.

Mr. T.M. Meacham of Pittsburgh spent Friday in town.

The Little Candidates Class of All Saints’ (Episcopal) Church were entertained at the home of Mrs. J.P. Hewitt Tuesday afternoon.

The infant grandson of Mr. R.C. Britton died Sunday night at Mr. Britton’s home. The child’s father is still in France. Interment was made in the cemetery at Potecasi Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Carter officiating.

Rev. Chas. M. Lance will exchange services with Rev. E.C. Few Sunday morning.

Mrs. Alice Dicker of Rosemary and Mr. R.H. Gay of Seaboard were married at the Methodist Parsonage Sunday night at 10 o’clock by Rev. Mr. Lance. They will make their home in Rosemary, having taken rooms at Mr. Ogletree’s.

Mr. L.S. Chesson of Henderson spent Monday in town.

Card of Thanks

We all wish to express our most thankful acknowledgement to friends for favors conferred upon us during the recent bereavement which has come into our lives.
The scene we have of their kindness will never be erased from our minds.
Mrs. W.R. Williams and family
Rosemary, N.C.


One of the prettiest home marriages of the season was that of Mr. Charles D. Williams of Roanoke Rapids, N.C., and Miss Lucille Collins of Cape Charles, Va., on Monday afternoon at half past three o’clock at the home of the bride on North Randolph Avenue. For some months Mr. Williams was attached to the Naval Base here and is well known. Miss Collins is the very attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Collins.

Miss Collins was dressed in a dark blue travelling dress with shoes and hat to match.

Among the out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Faison of Portsmouth, Va., Mr. B.F. Williams of Norfolk, Mrs. and Miss Hamilton of Kiptopeake, and Mrs. William Lamberson of Pocomoke City, Md., a sister of the bride, who played the wedding march. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. James Manning Dunaway, pastor of the bride.

Mr. and Mrs. Williams left on the 4:30 steamer for Portsmouth and Roanoke Rapids, N.C., Richmond and Washington, and after May 10 will be at home to their friends at 216 W. Freemason Street, Norfolk, Va.

Roanoke Rapids Personal and Local Items
Mrs. L.S. Mosher of Norfolk is visiting Mrs. S.J. Bounds this week.
Mr. M. McRae Faison spent a few days in Richmond this week.
Miss Bessie Reynolds of Roberdel has accepted a position with the Roanoke Fibre Board Company as stenographer.
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Taylor and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. N. Taylor motored to Lawrenceville, Va., Sunday, spending the day with relatives.
Mrs. T. Macon Stone of Henderson is visiting her sister Mrs. G.E. Williams.
Rev. C.H. Trueblood of Norfolk, former pastor of the Baptist Church here, is spending several days in town this week.
Mr. J. Taylor West is here visiting friends and relatives.
Mrs. J.L. Daughterty and sons George and Bowser, are visiting friends and relatives here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Williams of Norfolk are visiting relatives here this week.
Mr. Frank Williams of Norfolk spent several days in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Williams this week.
Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Bounds, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peck, Mrs. Leslie Mosher and Messrs. Clyde Mizelle and E.A. Telliga motored to Tarboro Sunday, spending the day with friends and relatives.
Mrs. E.A. Parker and little son are visiting relatives in Tarboro.
Mr. F.M. Coburn is spending this week in New York with his brother, Mr. R.T. Coburn of Raleigh.
Mr. F.M. Shute spent the week-end in Scotland Neck, with his mother returning with his wife and little daughter, Catherine, who have been visiting relatives in Williamston and Scotland Neck.
Mr. C.H. Satterwhite is moving from his former home on Jackson Street to Hamilton Street.
Mrs. J.M. McMurray returned Wednesday from Greensboro, where she had been for several weeks undergoing treatment at St. Leo Hospital. Her friends will be glad to know Mrs. McMurray is greatly improved.
Mrs. Josephine Cherry of Rocky Mount spent a few days here this week with relatives.
Miss Geneva Merritt has resigned her position with the Roanoke Mills Company and has returned to her home in Enfield.
Miss Rosa Moody has accepted a positon with the Roanoke Mills Company.
Mr. J.T. Stainback and little daughter, Jane, spent the week-end in Henderson with relatives.
Rev. and Mrs. O’Brient, Mrs. Austin, Mrs. McGee and Miss Audry Crews spent Monday with Mrs. L.A. Faison.

Miss Ruth Spivy has returned from Norfolk where she spent several days.

Miss Lizzie Camp and Nita Turner of Garysville spent Saturday with Miss Mirtie Faison.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith spent a few hours in Littleton Monday.

Mr. Hobson Powell of Emporia attended the dance here Thursday night.

Mr. Robert Large motored to Norfolk Wednesday.

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