
Sunday, May 12, 2019

Local News From Graham, N.C., May 7,1919

From The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., May 7, 1919

Local News

It rained both Tuesday and yesterday.

Graham Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy will meet at the Confederate Monument at the court house Saturday, May 10th, Confederate Memorial Day, to conduct an exercise in memory of the Confederate dead. All the ministers of the town are expected to be present. All are expected to bring flowers to decorate the graves in both Linwood and New Providence cemeteries.

Miss Mamie Parker entertained the Book Club on Wednesday afternoon.

Miss Joanna Jones entertained the Ladies’ Aid Society and Mission Study Class yesterday afternoon.
Graham Chapter U.D.C. is meeting this afternoon with Miss Mamie Parker. After the meeting Miss Parker will give a reception in honor of her guest, Mrs. C.B. Irwin.

We wish to call the attention of the public that the Graham Baptist church entered upon full time preaching service last Sunday, and we extend a cordial welcome to everyone.

Sunday’s Charlotte Observer carried on its fraternal order page a picture of Mr. Heenan Hughes, the Great Prophet of the Grand Council of N.C. Red Men. The annual session of this order convened in Gastonia Tuesday evening.

Last Sunday evening at the Graham Baptist church the B.Y.P. Union of Mebane gave demonstration of the B.Y.P.U work. Also Rev. J.C. Canipe spoke on the Union. After the service a Baptist You People’s Union was organized.

A tractor has been bought by the County Commissioners for road working. No doubt it will be found more economical than the old way of using teams, picks and shovels for shaping up the roads, taking the place of several men and teams and doing the work more expeditiously.

Last Friday afternoon from 4 to 6 o’clock Miss Martha Holt entertained the Sewing Club. A delightful time was spent with music and fancy work.

Mr. Edwin D. Scott’s Cadillac was stolen in Greensboro Saturday morning. He recovered it late in the evening. It had been driven back to Greensboro. During the day it passed through Graham and stopped at a gasoline tank here for a supply. A party saw it and knew it. An officer was notified, but before anything could be done it was driven away. Some three or four young men were riding in it. Mr. Scott did not find out who took his car. The only damage so far as could be seen was a worn out tire.

Lieut. Ralph Steele of Gibsonville was in Graham Sunday. He goes back with the Burroughs Adding Machine Co. with whom he held a position before entering the war. Prior to the war he with the Atlanta office, but now he goes to Raleigh.

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