
Friday, May 31, 2019

Local News Including Big Celebration at the Hass Home, May 31, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, May 31, 1919

Local Items

A large number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Hass, one mile east of town, Sunday in honor of their two sons, Wilson and Eugene, who have just returned from France, they being members of the 105th engineers of the 30th Division. This being Mr. Hass’ 63rd birthday also, a large table was spread under the big oaks in the yard and was loaded down with all kinds of good things for the inner man. All of the nine children were present except one, Mrs. J.E. Howard, who lives in Statesville. The most prominent figure at this occasion was Mr. Hass’ mother, Mrs. Martha Jane Hass of Hudson, who is in her 94th year and still stout and hearty for one of that age.

An interesting service will be held at the Episcopal church tomorrow morning to which everyone, but especially returned soldiers, are invited. If it is fitting to celebrate their home coming by a celebration, it must be even more fitting and proper that God’s house is a most appropriate place to hold it.

The Chero-Cola Bottling Company of Hickory bottled Orange-Crush advertised in the Record, and another another bottling concern, as the attractive ad in yesterday’s paper made it appear. If one wants the best orange drink that has appeared on the market, in the opinion of many, he will give Orange Crush a trial.

Mr. R.J. Foster has sold his bungalow on Tenth avenue to Mr. Geo. F. Ivey, but Mr. Foster and family will continue to occupy it for some time.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Self, a son.

Mrs. J.A. Gaither left Saturday for Greensboro, where she will enter a hospital for treatment.
Mr. Cowles Gaither, who has been attending Davidson college the past year, has gone to Norfolk, Va., to work in the navy yard during his vacation.

Mr. Z.B. Buchanan has purchased from the W.P. Huffman estate the lot in the rear of the Lutheran church on Ninth avenue, the lot fronting the railroad and Twelfth street. This is a valuable piece of property and probably will be developed at an early date.

Mrs. Vena Little Goode, who has charge of the music department in the graded school at Shelby, is visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J.B. Little on Tenth avenue.

Hickory Lodge No. 343 will meet in regular communication on Monday night for the purpose of electing officers and transacting other business.

Announcement was made in Concord that Cannon mills would resume operation Wednesday morning. All former employes may return to work if they desire.

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