
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Local News Items From High Point, May 15, 1919

From The Review, High Point, N.C., Thursday, May 15, 1919

Local News Items

Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Cox left Tuesday evening for a stay at the North for several days and then to Greenbriar, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., where Mr. Cox will attend a meeting of the executive committee of the American Bankers’ Association.

Married—Miss Lena Ham and Joseph Loflin, Saturday afternoon by Squire Joe W. Tomlinson. The contracting parties live a few miles out.

Married—Miss Ethel Brown to R.L. Koontz Saturday by Squire Joe w. Tomlinson. Both parties live here.

Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Oliver were called to Winston Sunday on account of the illness of Mr. Oliver’s mother.

It will not be long before High Point has a modern Exposition building, the capital stock having been practically subscribed.

Pretty good school board, eh? Now who said the ladies wouldn’t be recognized? All ex-teachers, men and women, on the school board—something should be doing now.

Walter Murray, colored, was bound over to court at Monday’s session for stealing tires from the autos of J.E. Millis and J.M.S. Salsbury.

Chas. W. Pratt has issued a statement saying that his wife has been the victim of designing parties and asks that judgment be withheld in the Pratt kidnapping-mystery case until the facts are revealed.
An underground pass beneath the tracks at the station is being talked of and it should materialize in order to avoid danger and inconvenience.

High Point will entertain the convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in October of this year, the regular time of the meeting.

You must pay your poll tax by May 1st if you expect to vote in the May election. Don’t fail to do it. (Yes, this was in the May 15th issue, on the front page.)

Trophy Council No. 29, Jr. O.U.A.M., held an interesting memorial service Sunday afternoon. The speakers were C.A. York, Revs. J.M. Hilliard and J.W. Rose. After the services the audience marched to the cemetery where the graves of their deceased members were decorated.

A cigarette was the cause of a small blaze at the Imperial House Tuesday. Some very forgetful person had thrown a cigarette on a bed but the quick work of the fire department saved a big loss.

Memorial Day Saturday was fittingly celebrated by the U.D.C. and members of the Confederate Veterans and Children of the Confederacy. Rec. Jas. A. Clarke and J.E. Kirkman made short talks appropriate to the occasion. The crown later repaired to the home of Mrs. J.F. Hayden where refreshments were served. All graves of old soldiers were decorated.

The well-known Pickert Stock Co. will be at Fields lot, corner of Commerce and Wiloby St., all next week, featuring Lillian Picket, Ralph W. Chambers and Baby Carol (5 years old) in high class, latest New York play successes. This popular company is playing for the first time under canvas, having played all of the larger towns during the winter in the theatres, and Mr. Dodion, the manager, is bringing the company direct from Durham to High Point. The plays are all clean and refined and appeal especially to ladies.

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