
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Spring Hope Items From May 20, 1919 Newspaper

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Tuesday, May 20, 1919

Spring Hope Items

Mr. Luther Strickland, who has been in the employ of the Quality Shop for quite a while, has resigned his position and has gone to Zebulon to accept a similar position with the Flowers Clothing Co. We are very sorry to give Mr. Strickland up, he was such a fine young man, but we hope that he will decide to come back some later day. He is succeeded by Mr. Arthur Marshbourn, formerly of Tampa, Florida, who is now on the job, and will be glad to have his many friends in this community all to see him.

Mr. I.B. Gardner has begun work on his new brick stables. He has the material and men on the job and hopes to have them in readiness for business by fall. When completed these stalls will be among the best in town and will have all the modern conveniences.

Mr. John Roberson has arrived home from the service and is at his home in Stanhope. Mr. Roberson was 2nd Lieutenant in his company and saw considerable service while over seas. His many friends and relatives are glad to see him back and to know of the honor attained by him while in service.
Burbon Murray, the 13-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jafus Murray who live near Gold Valley, died last Tuesday night of intestinal trouble. The little fellow suffered intensely for three days before his death. Interment took place in the cemetery at Gold Valley on Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. Ricks Edwards has resigned his position as carrier on Route 2 from Spring Hope and Mr. J.R. Laughter has the route now. Mr. Edwards was a good carrier and the many patrons on the route are sorry to give him up, though they have a good man in Mr. Laughter, who needs no recommendation to them. Mr. Edwards is now in the employ of Mr. W.G. Jones who is the contractor of the Planters Mutual Warehouse Company.

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