
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Among The Union County Boys Who Landed at Newport News, Va., June 27, 1919

From the Monroe Journal, June 27, 1919

Union County Boys Land at Newport News, Va. . . . Members of the 56th Pioneer Infantry Will Go to Camp Lee, Va., for Demobilization. . . Editor of The Journal Expects to be Home Next Week

Telegrams were received yesterday from members of the 56th Pioneer Infantry stating that they had landed at Newport News, Va., and would be sent to Camp Lee, Va., to be demobilized.
It is presumed that all the Union county boys who were members of Companies B and C of the 56th, who had not previously returned to the states, were among the number landed. They are about 60 in number.

The men who landed Wednesday were entrained for Camp Wadsworth, S.C., on Aug. 8, 1918, and in five weeks they were in the battle area. Following the signing of the armistice they were attached to the Army of Occupation in Germany.

Mr. John Beasley, editor of The Journal, was a member of Company C of the regiment. He left his company on May 7 for a tour of the battle areas of France with a party of newspaper men. All expenses of those making the trip were born by the government in order that accurate and first hand information might be secured for the American people. Many of The Journal readers are looking forward to the articles which he will write regarding this trip. So far as is known he was the only newspaper man from North Carolina in the party. He is supposed to have rejoined his company two days before it left for the embarkation port.

Following are the names of the Union county men in Companies B and C who have not previously returned, and are supposed to have landed Wednesday.

Willie Hoover
Joseph C. Hill
William E. Sewell

Arthur Helms
Clifford Condor
John F. Ghant

Oscar B. Shelly
William R. Hanna
Brinkley I. Simpson

J.L. Brooks
Thomas B. Price
Maurice W. Biggers

John F. Wilson
Henry E. Harmon
Floyd M. Helms

S. Bland Keziah
Milas P. Medlin
Bryce Thomas

Wm. S. McWhorter
W.J. Summerford
Fred L. McRorie

Benj. Troy Pigg
James Fowler
Titus Long

Reece Phifer
James F. Broom
Daniel Murphy

Otis S. Braswell
Fred Threatt
E. Carl Helms

Jas. A. Williams
Mack Price
Oscar B. Nash

Newton C. Griffin
Joseph O. Ross
Samuel E. Starnes

Wm. Walter Knight
John D. Futch
Ira L. Presson

Rufus E. Duncan
Jas. A. Little
Amos A. Medlin

Geo. W. Wentz
Joseph J. James
Capers S. Mackey

Clayton E. Baucom
John T. Carpenter
Myron Green

Thomas I. McBride
Lacy L. McCormick
John A. Beasley

Louie F. Hart
John R. Winchester
Claud Duncan

T. Olin McManus
Oscar M. Abernethy

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