
Saturday, June 22, 2019

Brevard Begins Planning Welcome Home Celebrations for Soldier Boys for July, 1919

From the Brevard News, Friday, June 20, 1919

Celebration to Honor Soldiers

Representatives from the several clubs, fraternal and business organizations of Brevard, met last Thursday night and organized for the purpose of giving our returned soldier boys a “Welcome Home” during the month of July.

The plan adopted was to have a “Picnic Dinner” in Brevard as early in July as possible, in fact just as soon as our boys get home.

It was impossible to have this entertainment on July 4th as every band was engaged, and it was decided that we should have a first class brass band.

The good citizens of the county are all invited to come and bring dinner.

While the plans have not been fully decided upon as to detail and date the present idea is to have a parade of all the returned soldiers and sailors in uniform, also have all the veterans of the Civil and other wars, also the various fraternal bodies, the Red Cross, Boy Scouts, and several floats and the procession will be led by the band.

Mr. J.S. Silversteen was appointed chairman of the General Committee and he will announce the chairmen of the several other committees in next week’s paper.

This celebration is four our “boys” and it is hoped that every citizen of the county will get interested and help to make it the best and biggest entertainment ever had in the county. Watch the paper for further notices and please answer promptly any letters that you may receive from the committee.

Begin right now to talk about this “Welcome Home” and we hope that every man, woman and child in the county will be here. Let’s show our boys how glad we are to have them back home with us and that we appreciate what they did for us.

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